Year 1 Learning. Term 5, Week 5

Thank you to all the parents who so kindly helped on our trip last week. We all had an AMAZING time. Thank you.

This is the final week of term. Children are invited to wear non-uniform on Friday and to bring in a contribution to FHIS.

School reopens on Monday 6th June.


  • During the first week of term 6 we will be caring out our Phonics Screening in Year 1.
  • During our first week back after the holidays we will be writing about things that we may have done already to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee or about other things we have done during our week off school. If you could send in any photos, either printed off or via your class email that would be great to aid our discussions.
    It is wonderful to see so many children engaged in our Read for the Stars incentive. Certificates have been flying out in celebration assembly and some children are nearly on the last side of their second bookmark! We just wanted to remind all children that the crown prize for achieving this many reads is a very special head teacher’s book (which will be given as part of special end of year celebrations). Keep up with all your fantastic efforts: I think Mrs Hibbard is going to be very busy ordering LOTS of books for children at Henleaze Infants School.


  • During the second week of term 6 we will be holding our special whole school week where we will be commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We will be asking the children to wear red, white and blue or purple on the Friday (17th June). More information about the week’s activities will come in our first week back.

Here are some dates for your diary:
Sports Day – Morning of Thursday 23rd June (Exact timings to be confirmed)
Learning Shares in classes –  Friday, July 1st (Classes 4 and 6, 9:10am and Class 5 at 2:50pm.)

Well done to all the YEAR 1 children who sang in the choir at the May Fair. A great performance. Well done.

  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 
  • Could you please make sure children have a change of shoes suitable for PE in their PE kits as most of our PE will be outside this term. Thank you.

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Final Invitation to enter an Art Competition

Get out your art materials to celebrate Queen Elizabeth‘s 70th year reign in a Platinum Jubilee competition for primary school children. We are looking for children to draw, paint or collage bold, bright and colourful pictures of Queen Elizabeth II to decorate our restaurant at John Lewis at Cribbs Causeway. There are prizes for individuals and for school.

Follow the link here for more information about this competition.

Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Are you more like …with Blazer Fresh
Tuesday – Take Notice- Be mindful of your fruit at fruit time – describe the colour/ taste/ texture. you could make a guessing game out of it.
Wednesday – Be Active – KS1  Move and Freeze
Thursday – Keep Learning – Courageous people who changed the world
Friday –  Give – How do they feel? Being kind means thinking about how others are feeling. How would you be kind to the children in these pictures


Phonics: Phase 5c
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.

Consolidation of Phase 3 and 5 and…
Teach alternative spellings of phonemes: /ar/ (as in half), /air/ (as in there), /air/ (as in pear), /air/ (as in bare), /or/ (as in all) Write: Mr, Mrs
Look at pseudo words. 

Keywords for Reading: because, school, live, give,  gone, every, where, 
Keywords for Spelling: school, every, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Mr, Mrs, there, half

Writing: Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun

Writing – Composition

Session 1 Write a recount of the trip to the SS Great Britain. What did you learn?
Session 2 Writing up a science experiment –  
Basic Explanation:
consistent use of present tense
questions used to form titles
question marks used to denote questions (Y1)
conjunctions e.g. so…because to explain
Session 3 – Reading – Make Brunel Hats after following written instructions.
Session 4- Write up Simple instructions after making hats yesterday.. Include: concept of a sentence, ,basic sequencing of sentences, capital letters and end marks , word choices, correct past tense form and  labels and captions.
Session 5 – Handwriting (Complete and spelling assessments)

Reading: Focus: Fiction, Stories, Beginning, Middle…..Prediction of ending

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Making Doubles and Halves.
End of unit assessments.
Measuring how tall each other is using centimetres for our Science ongoing investigation.

Wider Curriculum

PE-  Outdoor Athletic Skills
Jasmine – PE 

R+WV The Hindu Creation Story

Hindu Creation Story KS1 | Teaching Resources

Computing – Spreadsheets (Continuation from last week)

PSHE Relationships: Celebrating my special relationships and  Assessment

Science Record children’s heights (ongoing investigation) and see English session 2.

Music  Key Learning Objective: To use voices creatively and expressively when singing songs 

Other Learning Objectives

  • To understand the importance of warming up voices and adopting good posture 
  • To sing songs and melodies musically, pitching high and low notes moving in steps or leaps
  • To have an understanding of singing with a variety of dynamics

History – Victorian Times – Hospitals- Now and Then. How have they changed? Are there any similarities?

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Class 4- Aarav
Class 5- Freya
Class 6- Freddie

**Due to our school trip, the Year 1 children will be receiving their certificates and invites for parents next Friday, 27th May (Last day of term). We will also wait for this assembly to give out any reading certificates earnt this week.

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