Year 1 Learning. Term 6, Week 5

This week we will be starting our Whole School Topic of Journeys and we will be using the book, ‘Journey’ By Aaron Becker

It was great to see so many of you at our Learning Shares last week. The children were really proud to show you all their hard work and successes that they have made throughout the year. All their progress has been immense. Well done all!!


This Week:

Wednesday – Children will be swapping up to their new classes with their new teachers again for another session.

Dates for book returns:
Please return all library books by Friday 8th July
Please return all reading books and class reading for pleasure books by Friday 15th July
Thank you for your support with this
Mrs Hibbard
(Phonics and Reading Lead)
Summer Reading Challenge:
This week we were treated to an assembly about the Libraries UK Summer Reading
Challenge. We are encouraging all of our children to participate and look forward to hearing
about completed challenges in September.
Here’s a taster of what it’s all about:
Where? In All Bristol Libraries
When? All summer holiday! From Saturday 9th July to Saturday 10th September 2022
Why? Have Fun Reading!
How? Pick up your free fold-out starter pack from your local library. Read books, collect fun
stickers and play games on the website.
Take Part! In fun activities happening in Bristol Libraries during the summer holidays.
At the end? Collect a brilliant medal & certificate!
Join the library! It’s easy and free! Ask staff at your local library (Henleaze) to help you.
Children under 15 will need the permission of a parent or carer.
Find us on Facebook Bristol Libraries and follow us @Bristollibrary on Twitter & Instagram

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day, sunhat and cream if it is needed to reapplied at lunchtime. Please ensure all items are labelled.

You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They mostly follow the exact days, although will differ slightly class to class as when we have our PE slots.

Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Things in common. Pair with someone you don’t usually play with and find 3 things you both like.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Looking forward:  Children can draw or write something they’re looking forward to next year on a bird
Wednesday –  Be Active –
Can’t stop that feeling dance moves
Thursday – Keep Learning – Think about everything you have to offer to your new class. Fill in this Transition activity
Friday –  Give –  What is something you have learned to do this year? Draw or write it in a thankful cloud.


Phonics: Phase 5c
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.
Phonics: Focus alternatives : /oa/ (toe)      /oa/  (bone)     /(y)oo/  (cue)       /(y)oo/  (tune) 
Grammar: Adding s, es Plural of nouns & 3rd person singular of verbs

Spelling: Year 1 Common Exception Words (above)

Writing: Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun
Writing – Composition 
Session 1 Write up Science report of findings from our life cycles project. What did we observe? What have we learnt?
Writing – Composition – Text ‘Journey’
Session 2: Look at front cover details and answer questions. Now share the book together   and discuss what the pictures tell you. Note down vocabulary in a word bank as a class. Try to include words you could use to describe the people, places and events in the story. 
Session 3 : Use think bubbles to show what the characters in the house are thinking. How do we know when the book has no written words? Discuss with talk partners first and decide what they could be thinking using all the information given in the pictures.
Session 4:To create a headline and picture  for a newspaper report. Write a newspaper report about the arrival of the little girl, including a headline and picture.
Session 5: Handwriting

Reading: Focus: Fiction – Journeys

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
  • Reading independent activities linked to whole class read of ‘Back to Earth with a Bump’.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day and shared text: ‘Back to Earth with a Bump’ – A journey of a different kind!


Halving and Doubling

Mental Oral/Warm Up

  • 1 more/less within 100
  • 10 more/less within 100
  • Write numerals to 100
  • Recall of halves within 20
  • Recall of doubles within 20

Learning Objectives: 

  • To relate doubling to adding the same number to itself
  • To relate halving a number to sharing equally between 2 groups
  • To understand that halving and doubling are inverse operations
  • To recall doubles within 20
  • To recall halves within 20

Wider Curriculum

PE-  Outdoor Athletic Skills 

PE – Jasmine Session

Writing a report and conclusions of observations made of the Life Cycle of a Butterfly.

DT – Making wooden photo frames – sawing  wood (1:2 )

Influential People in History – Making a Journey -Women aviators, concentrating on Bessie Coleman

R+WV – 
Caring for our world – Concentrate on recycling – Revisit previous work. What have we learnt since?
Scribe children’s thoughts and questions for your class book

Learning and Growing and Assessments

Computing – Coding – To understand what coding means in computing
To understand what is meant by the vocabulary object, command, code, block, debug, design mode used in coding
To create simple (1 or 2 steps) blocks of code
To debug simple mistakes in a piece of code
Completion of tasks on Purple Mash.

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Class 4- Hamza
Class 5- Jiaan
Class 6- Class 6! You have all been super Stars this week!

Reading For the Stars

Silver Award
Class 6 – James
Class 5 – Julliette Harrison Elliot

Gold Award
Class 6 – Noah I
Class 5 – Jasper Oscar

All children who complete both sides of their 2 bookmarks (Fourth side) will receive their Headteachers Award later in the term at a special assembly. (This is the award after Gold)

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