Reception – Term 6, Week 7

This is our final blog post this academic year! We’ve loved teaching the children throughout their Reception year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday and we can’t wait to see you again in September. 


  • Click here to view the photos of when we went to the Junior School to do some planting with the Eco Club.
  • The final day of this year is on Thursday. School will be shut on Friday 22nd July. The first day of Year 1 will be on Monday 5th September. Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September are INSET days therefore children will not attend school.
  • You should have received the final part of your child’s learning diary via Evidence Me. Please share this with your child and celebrate the learning they have done this year. 
  • Please return all books that belong to school before the summer holiday.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that have been set up on the patio before school (including the mountain and the bikes/scooters). Please pass this on to any adults who bring your child to school.
  • Phonics and letter formation document (click here
  • Please remember to read the phonetically decodable reading book with your child everyday.


Click here to view the photos of when we went to the Junior School to do some planting with the Eco Club. It has been a hot week! The children have enjoyed keeping cool by using water play outside. We have been learning about journeys this week, which is our whole school topic. Every child has made a hot air balloon which will fly to their new classroom and will be on the wall when they start in September. They have also been writing about a journey they have been on. In their play, they have been particularly interested in modes of transport and we have seen many creative models of cards, busses, hot air balloons, helicopters…. the list goes on!

Star of the Week

Class 1 – Suri

Class 2 – Ayaan

Class 3 – Anna

Week 7 Learning

In Week 7, we will continue to learn about our whole school topic Journeys. The children will be thinking about lots of different journeys, including their journey through school and into Year 1. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week, we will be sharing our best memories of our Reception year.

Communication and Language

We will continue to explore our key text ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We will ask the children to pick a part of the story and describe it in detail. 

Word of the week: celebrate 

Physical Development

We will continue to explore being a cat with static and dynamic balances in floorwork.


Please continue to use the phonics and common exception word grid with your child to practice all the phonemes and ‘CEW’ we have learnt so far. We suggest doing this alongside their daily reading. 

Click here to access our GPC (grapheme phoneme correspondence) and common exception word mat. 

This week we will master our Phase 4 learning for the final time. 

Please support your child at home to practise their letter formation. Click here to see the correct letter formation and ‘script’ we use in school to support children to form their letters. This will ensure consistency between home and school.

This week we will read with your child either 1:1 or in a small guided reading session. Please continue to read with your child every day to improve their fluency with a text. Ask your child questions about the characters, what they think might happen next and discuss/ explain what they think is happening in the pictures.

Writing – This week the children will be writing in their new Year one books and introducing themselves to their new teacher. e.g. My name is Poppy. I am 5 years old. I like to build models with the lego. 


The children will be learning about spatial reasoning in Maths this week. Alongside this, they will consolidate their knowledge and deep understanding of numbers up to 10.

Understanding the World

We will be celebrating our HIS community, our journeys this year and sharing summer plans.We will also be comparing the tomato plants we have grown in the Grand Tomato Competition! 

Religion and Worldviews

We will be reflecting back and celebrating all our learning around the question, “How should we live our lives?”

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will have our final music lesson on rhythm. We will be using the instruments and performing  a four bar notated rhythm. 

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