Year 1 Learning. Term 2, Week 2

This week we will be talking and writing about our journey to school. You could draw a map together on the way to school one morning or make a list of the things you see, to bring in to share.


Flu Vaccinations will take place in school on Tuesday 8th November this week.

Thank you to all who attended parents evenings last week and for those of you that supported our fireworks event on Saturday.

Friday – Remembrance Day

Poppy definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • Please make sure all PE Kits are back in school after our mid term break.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activity Suggestions

Monday – Connect – Tell someone something different about them that you like.
Tuesday – Take Notice- watch an autumn story  After the storm
Wednesday – Be Active – Physical challenge – eg How many star jumps can you do in 10 seconds?
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Choose someone different to play with today and tell us about it later
Friday – Give –
Create a class thankfulness tree to add to (can be twigs in a jar)


Phonics: New Phase Teaching – Phase 5

oy (toy)    ir (stir)     ue (glue)    ue  (cue)
New CEW to read and spell: people   little
Other words to read and spell: boy   girl   blue  first  third
Vocabulary: adjective, noun, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop

Journey to school –  (2 sessions) Think about 4 of your senses and what they see, feel, hear and smell on your way to school. Make a list including adjectives and nouns. Following on from this, use your words collected on your sheet to create sentences about your journey.

Children to write their week’s learning – Sounds and Keywords in their new books that they can take home and use to write in to practice spellings. Children need to be able to read the word first before practising spelling them.

Handwriting: Correct formation of the graphemes and CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families. Complete a dictated sentence.


  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension. This will now take place during our new Monday morning Reading session.

In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW and start to implement new Phase 5 as they are taught.
Whole Class –
Planned story sessions each day.


  • Mental/ oral warm-ups:
  • Counting forwards/backwards from any number within 20 
  • Recall of facts within 10 (random generator)
  • Snappy maths – fast recall of addition within 10
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Partitioning teen numbers
  • Learning Objectives: 
  • Count to twenty, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, from any given number. 
  • Count, read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
  • Given a number, identify one more or one less.
  • Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.

Wider Curriculum

PE: SHINE Outside Session – Team Games, building on skills from Jasmine PE sessions.
Jasmine PE– Social LO: I can work sensibly with others taking turns and sharing. I can help, praise and encourage others in their learning
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Skills: Jumping and landing. 
Using an astronaut theme this lesson focuses on balance and agility when jumping and landing.

I can understand and observe the weather where I live.
I understand that the weather changes with the season.

I talk about weather in the UK, what happens in different seasons and how weather changes on a daily basis?

R+WV (Formally known as RE):
Recall stories about an inspiring person and say how these stories are inspirational for believers
Learning about the birth of Muhammad and why he is so important to those of Muslim faith. Experience writing his name in Arabic and going from right to left across the page.

To observe , shape, form and space in natural and man-made objects
Explore existing products and consider their uses and the materials they are made from
I can plan, make and evaluate a sculpture

I can identify similarities between people in my class and I can tell you some ways in which I am the same as my friends
‘The same as…’ Children explore, working with partners, what is the same about us and that this doesn’t have to be just how we look.

To listen to and describe a piece of music using musical vocabulary.
To sing in time and in tune following a melody as it moves up and down in pitch.
Listen to the music with no visuals and draw what they imagine as they listen
Learn about pitch through Up Up Up.

Year 1 Bronze Reading Certificates

Bluebell Class- Joseph A Joe T Sofie
Cherry Class- James Archie Riya Emily

Bluebell Class – Jack
Cherry Class – Amber

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