Year 1 Learning. Term 2, Week 5.


Please could you continue sending in boxes (cereal, toothpaste, delivery etc.) for our mini project where as a year group we shall create a model of Henleaze. We need a range of different sized boxes. We will be starting our models next week.

  •  If your child is  a member of the KS1 choir then they have their performance next week at the Henleaze Fayre, Wednesday the 7th December at 4pm. Please make sure you have  returned your permission slips.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – What helps us if we’re feeling tired?
Tuesday – Take Notice- Use your finger to slowly trace around the labyrinths
Wednesday – Be Active – clap out the syllables with Blazer Fresh
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Try a ‘minute-to-win-it’ challenge eg how many star jumps can you do/ plastic cups can you stack
Friday – Give – 
What are you feeling thankful for today?


Examples of our phonics for the week can be accessed here…  a_e   e_e   i_e   o_e

Phonics: New Phase Teaching – Phase 5
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Focus GPCs: a_e   e_e   i_e   o_e  (Split Digraphs)
CEW to read and spell: called
Other words to read and spell:  came  these   mine  home
Sounds and Keyword books- children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practise in.

Vocabulary: adjective, verb, noun, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop, question mark, Conjunction

Session 1 : Send for a superhero assessed writing – Story Retell using a story map created as a class.
Session 2: Watch Beegu’s adventure around Henleaze together. Create a word bank as you go through. Talk through the language of First, Then, Next, Finally. How they may start their writing. Do they have a favourite shop or area of Henleaze? Why? 
Session 3: Use keywords and ideas from yesterday to write about the trip that Beegu made around Henleaze. Focus on 4 main parts using language above. Extend to include what they like about Henleaze and why.  Look at sentence level, capital letter and full stop.
Handwriting: Correct formation of the graphemes and CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families.
Complete a dictated sentence: 


  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension.
    In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
  • Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


  • To use the language of whole, half, quarter and three quarters to describe turns.
  • To use left, right, forwards and backwards to describe direction.

Our maths learning this week links to our computing objectives. We will be using iPads and BeeBots to practise creating an algorithm and using directional and positional language. We will also be manually giving instructions to others to reach a destination. 

These are the computing objectives that we will be covering:
To understand the functionality of the arrow keys and use them move forwards, backwards, left and right
To understand how to create a simple one step algorithm
To add a unit of measurement and direction to an algorithm
To create a longer algorithm (list of instructions)
To understand how to debug an algorithm
To know how to ‘undo’ their last move

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session 
Jasmine PESocial: I can work sensibly with others taking turns and sharing
I can help, praise and encourage others in their learning
Skills: Static balance seated, children will learn to perform a variety of seated balances and hold for an increasing length of time.

Science – Weather – introduce our weather watch study. Children to use format devised by the class to start studies during reading carousel time (Group at a time)

R+WV (Formally known as RE) – Assessment

Music – To listen to a variety of musical excerpts and identify different tempo.
To internalise and maintain a pulse
To use relevant musical vocabulary to describe the speed of different musical excerpts
Introduce tempo and role of a conductor.
Children to have a go at conducting Hall of the Mountain King

Art – Create a calendar around the theme of the changing seasons.

PSHE – Different from… How are we all different and what makes us unique?

Computing – Follow unit as on Purple Mash (adapted to suit available hardware and classes ability to work whole class if required)
Using 2Go – children work through the 8 challenges that are set with additional opportunities to ‘free play’ and experiment with creating their own algorithms. c/c Fits maths position and direction often here too. We also have apps on the iPad that could supplement this.

Year 1 Bronze Reading Certificates

Bluebell Class- Joe W Oscar
Cherry Class- Ayaan Sophie Cairo Edith

Bluebell Class – Sofie
Cherry Class
– Oliver

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