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It is very important that children attend school regularly and on time. Children who are frequently absent from school or who are regularly late do not make the progress they should. Please don’t keep children away unless they are too unwell to attend school.

The school office will investigate any unexplained absences by contacting Parents/Carers by phone or by text on the first day of absence.

By law, children have to attend school every day unless they are unwell. The Headteacher has the authority to allow a child to be absent from school only in exceptional circumstances.

Effects of Late arrival

We expect children to attend school every day that they are well enough to do so and for parents to support a successful start to each day by being punctual. Our expectation is that children have at least 95% attendance. To support this, we publish out term dates and any INSET days well in advance. This year’s dates are below.

Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.

We know it can sometimes be difficult to decide whether your child needs to stay at home if they  are feeling unwell.  The NHS has produced guidance to help parents and carers make the right decision: Is my child too ill for school?


You have to get permission from the Attendance Lead if you need to take your child out of school during term time.  

  • You must make the application to the Attendance Lead before you go on the leave of absence (ideally at least 2 weeks in advance), it cannot be completed when you have returned.
  • You must be the parent/guardian who the child normally lives with.
  • The Attendance Lead will consider with the Headteacher whether there are exceptional circumstances in relation to the application. 
  • If the leave of absence is granted, it is up to the Attendance Lead and Headteacher how many days will be authorised.
  • To request permission please complete the form linked here and return to the school office either by hand or via email to with the subject line ‘absence request’. (printed copies of the form are available from the school office on request.)

Unauthorised absences may result in the school recommending the local authority issue a Penalty Notice fine. For information on this please click here or follow the link in the image below.

Henleaze Infant School © 2025