- Summer Reading Challenge – Children are invited to join in the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Please see information in this week’s bulletin for more information or: Please bring in your medal (named) on Friday 8th September so that we can celebrate your summer reading achievements. We’re also setting a ‘Get Caught Summer Reading’ challenge for all children. Please bring in a photo of you enjoying reading with anything, or anywhere that feels like summer to you!
- Returning school books – If you have any books at home the belong to school, please return them as soon as possible.
- We would like you to support your child to hold their pencil correctly when they are using them at home. Children should be using a tripod grip. Click here to see a BBC Bitesize video about how to hold a pencil.
- Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.
It has been a short but great week. The children chose which minibeast they would like to learn about. Daisy Class chose dragonflies, Buttercup Class chose bees and Daffodil Class Butterflies. Each class has written facts about their chosen mini-beast.
Tapestry – observation request
The focus this week is: Literacy
This term we have been learning about minibeasts and each class has been writing facts about a chosen minibeast. This week you can go on a minibeast hunt in your garden, or the park or anywhere you might find some and write a list of minibeasts you may find. If you are struggling to find any, see if you can write a list of minibeasts that you may have learnt about in class.
Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices.
This week’s learning
For the final two weeks of the school year, we will be taking part in a whole school journeys topic to support transition. We will be using the key text ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will be celebrating all our best memories and achievements from our Reception year.
Communication and Language
This week, the children will be verbally telling the story of ‘Journey’ using the pictures. The story has no words, the children will be asked to use their imagination when retelling the story.
Word of the week: voyage
Physical Development
We will be exploring floorwork as we move, to a beat, like cats around obstacles. We will move fast when the beat is fast and slow when the beat quietens.
This week we will become masters in our phase 4 phonics. We will be focusing on reading and writing words with adjacent consonants including: sp, st, sc, thr, shr, nch
Common exception words: what, out, when
Writing: This week we will be writing in our new Year One books, telling our new teachers all about ourselves.
This week, we will be revising patterns.
Understanding the World
We will be sharing what we have learnt about minibeasts with other EYFS classes so that we can teach them new things and learn from each other. All children will be logging into purple mash and colouring a minibeast while exploring new skills.
Religion and Worldviews
We will be looking back and celebrating the learning we have done about our big question, “How should we live our lives?”
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we will be making a hot air balloon to make the Journey to our new Year One Class.