The Reception Year

The Reception year is the second year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The Early Years Foundation Stage guided practitioners in the development of children from birth until the end of the year in which they are five. It is built on the principle that all children are unique and that their learning and development is brought about by forming positive relationships with others and by exploring concepts and the world in which they live, in an enabling environment.

The EYFS | Stepping Stones Nursery Witney

At Henleaze Infant School we offer an exciting, inspiring curriculum to engage our pupils and give them an introduction to the experiences and skills that they need to develop for life-long learning. We deliver this curriculum through purposeful play inside and out and a variety of enjoyable, challenging activities, both adult-led and child initiated.

Further information about how the Early Years Foundation Stage is taught at Henleaze Infant School and how you can help as a parent/carer at home will be shared throughout the year in the form of a curriculum information evening, an early Reading and Phonics meeting, parent-teacher meetings and through online platforms including class blogs and curriculum pages. As part of our practice, each child will have their own electronic ‘learning diary’ that can be contributed to by both home and school and will build a wonderful evidence base for their learning journey throughout the Foundation Stage.

Starting your Henleaze Infant School journey

Important induction documents

Please click the links below to view the documents. For the 2024-25 cohort, these links will be updated, so please continue to check back.

Part-time timetable 2024 – 25

Information for Reception parents

Photos to support transition to school

New Parents Meeting – slides from 20th June 2024


Transition from Nursery/Pre-school to Reception

Our experience has shown us that children benefit from a staggered induction when they start their Reception year. This enables children to develop confidence as they build up their time and experience in school and for staff to build a strong relationship with each child and their family.  We begin with stay and plays in the summer term before children start, then offer a home visit in early September to ensure all of the information about your child is passed onto their key adults, followed by a planned transition timetable where children attend school in smaller groups, initially on a part-time basis. All children will be in school full time by the start of October.

Stories about starting school

Below are some suggestions of stories that you could read to your child before starting school.

Click here to find out about each story in more depth.

Useful resources and links

Our Reception classrooms

Our Reception patio

Meet our 2023 – 24 Reception class teachers

Buttercup Class

Click here to find out about Buttercup Class and click here to see them in action.

Daisy Class

Click here to find out about Daisy Class and click here to see them in action.

We are proud to be a Prem Aware School

We are recognised as being a Prem Aware School. We know that starting school can be a big step in the journey for families after neonatal care, and many parents worry about the lasting impact of premature birth. With an average of two to three children in every classroom being born early, we know that teachers can play a crucial role in supporting and making a difference to the lives of children born prematurely.

Henleaze Infant School © 2025