The school day and our campus

“Be Kind, Be Curious, Be You”


Children are in school for 33.3 hours each week


Daily routine

The school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:20pm. Children in Year 1 and 2 have a short morning playtime and a snack and drink break during the afternoon. All children have an hour lunchtime where they eat with their year group, and then are supported in an outdoor play session by our SMSA team and Shine Sports coaches. Reception children have access to their own outdoor learning environment throughout the day. Every class has space outside their classroom for outdoor learning.

Class Organisation

There are two Reception classes, two Year 1 classes, and three Year 2 classes.

Children are welcomed each morning at the classroom ‘patio’ doors. This is where they should be collected at the end of the day (unless going to clubs)

The Campus

We share our site with Henleaze Junior School and Claremont Special School.

The three schools have worked together to develop a Campus style of collaboration, where we can all benefit from each other’s experience and expertise. For the children, this means that there are many opportunities for pupils in the schools to work together.

Children from Claremont are invited to spend time with us during playtime and Junior and Infant children meet for various events in the year and are invited to enjoy performances. In addition, Breakfast Club and after school provision through School’s Out Henleaze is available for children in both the Infant and Junior schools. Click below for more information.

Staff of the three schools meet regularly to ensure that there is full communication and sharing of knowledge between the three schools.

We feel that the result is an enriched educational environment which benefits us all.

Local Collaboration

We are proud to be a member of NW24 Teaching and Learning Partnership. Henleaze Infant School is committed to a collaborative approach to education, sharing expertise and resources so that all children in our locality can have equality of opportunity, regardless of which school they attend. Leaders, teacher and pupils all have opportunities to collaborate within the NW24 Partnership which aims to improve outcomes for children, deliver high quality professional development for staff and represent the interests of its members in policy decisions at a local, regional and national level. 

To visit the NW24 website click here. 


Henleaze Infant School © 2025