Online Safety

Online Safety in School

At Henleaze Infants School we value the use of computers and the internet to enhance pupils learning. We also recognise the increased necessity to teach pupils to navigate it’s use safely. These are the online safety rules that we have and follow in school.

The key areas that we follow in school are taken from Education for a Connected World as follows (click on the logos to visit the websites):

Self image and identity
Online Relationships
Online Reputation
Online Bullying

Managing Online Information
Health, Well-being and Lifestyle
Privacy and Security
Copyright and Ownership
We use these websites in school:

Online safety Curriculum

Each year group has a document that maps out the content of their online safety teaching. Follow the links below to view.


Year 1

Year 2

Parents Area

There are a lot of websites and resources out there aimed at parents and carers to help them keep their children safe online. These are some of the best sources.

The parents section has a large database with information and reviews for apps, games and films, including age ratings to help you judge suitability.

Has huge library of handy one page guides for a variety of apps and games including information about adjusting the parental control settings.

Has a wealth of information aimed parents and carers split into different age ranges.

It has step by step instructions of how to set up parental controls on all devices and apps/websites/games.

Has advice on starting conversations with your child about online safety and parental controls.

Has a section for parents and carers that includes information about different devices including laptops, tablets, games consoles and smart speakers.

Useful documents:

Screen Time for 5-7 year olds

Online Safety Guide for Young Children (0-5 year olds)

Online Safety Guide for Pre-School (6-10 year olds)

School Online Safety Policy

Please click here for our ‘Kids Area‘ that has online safety resources.

Henleaze Infant School © 2025