Headteacher Welcome
‘Be kind, be curious, be you’
Welcome to Henleaze Infant School. I am very pleased that you have chosen to visit our website and hope it provides a useful starting point to finding out more about our school.
At Henleaze Infant School we are committed to creating a happy, engaging environment where each child develops an enthusiasm for learning, feels valued as an individual and enjoys coming to school. We are ambitious for our children and understand that learning is most successful when schools and families work together in partnership. We actively involve families in sharing their knowledge of their child as well as discovering more about their child’s time in school. This begins with nursery and home visits before your child begins their Reception year and continues through a number of face-to-face and digital communications during their time with us.
We have high expectations of children’s social and academic development. To support this, we provide a rich and broad curriculum underpinned by a focus on our four key values (Kindness, Curiosity, Respect and Community). We help children understand the skills of life-long learners through the use of ELLI characters, encouraging them to be curious, creative, resilient and aspirational. We understand the great capacity young children have for taking on knowledge that capture their interest, so ensure our curriculum inspires them to develop their interest in individual subjects and the pioneers in these areas in the hope that our children go on to make their own mark in future. For more information about our Henleaze Infant curriculum see our curriculum page.
We are a child-centred, happy school where all staff, parents and governors are committed to supporting the best possible opportunities for our children. During the past five years I have been privileged to be part of the dedicated and passionate team who have worked tirelessly to ensure our school provides the best education and environment for children to thrive. To get a feel for what this looks like in action, visit our class blog pages where current learning is shared with parents and children’s achievements are celebrated.
In July 2024 we joined Cathedral Schools Trust (CST) alongside our partner Junior school. Joining this family of like-minded schools provides us with the support and collaboration to continue in our aim to provide the best educational experience for the children in our schools. To find out more about CST click here to visit the Trust website.
We are really proud of our school and welcome visits from families wishing to see us in action. To book a place please see our school tours page or telephone the school on 0117 377 2442. We strongly encourage you to visit our virtual tour to see clips of school life and hear from children, staff and one of our governors.
Henleaze Infant School shares its site and a connection with both Claremont Special School and Henleaze Junior School, enjoying shared events and collaboration opportunities for our children. To view our prospectus please click here – it contains details of our admission arrangements and details of how to join the school. Please follow the link to the Bristol City Council school admissions website.
I look forward to meeting you.
Gemma Fricker
In a recent survey with parents/carers of pupils at Henleaze Infant school May 2024:
* 98% agree that their child is happy at our school
* 98% agree that their child is making good progress at our school
* 98% parents would recommend our school
What Our Parents Say:
I couldn’t be more happy with the school. My child has thrived here this year. All staff have been amazing – so personable, and I’ve felt really listened to and taken seriously when I’ve needed to share a minor concern. My child loves coming to school, feels safe, secure and valued and has made brilliant progress. Huge thank you to all the hard-working staff!
How lucky are we to have such a fabulous school on our doorstep. It is real credit to Mrs Fricker and her whole team on making the school the fantastic place it us. The standard of teaching is so high and provisions available to my child are huge.