Enrichment Activities

Wow days

At the beginning of a topic, Year groups will often engage and excite children about their new learning by having a Wow day. This can involve dressing up and engaging in activities connected to the topic. Sometimes visitors come in  as well.


Shine Sports Coaches enrich every lunchtime with a range of planned activities. In addition to this, they run a session with each KS1 class every week.


We are lucky to have a close relationship with a peripatetic piano teacher who plays piano for our singing assemblies, supports our choir club as well as offering lessons to KS1 children. Details are on our clubs page here.


We run a lunchtime choir club for those children interested in learning additional songs to share at seasonal events. 

All children take part in a block of Forest School during their Reception year. This is on-site in our dedicated forest school area, led by an outside provider.

Children have a class election to choose two School Council Reps each year. Reps meet to discuss school improvement and to share pupil view point with teachers.

Children can put themselves forward for a class vote to be an Eco Committee Rep. Children in this group have planted tees and a wildflower bank as well as raise funds to support a bid to install scooter and bike racks.


Regular visits to a variety of different venues are planned during the school year. These are often linked to the Curriculum. Examples include: Castles, the zoo, parks, theatres and  museums.

Theatre Companies

Each year, we have an ‘arts week’ where a theatre company works with the children to inspire language and creativity in a whole school project. We have also had performances by theatre companies in our school hall. These can include pantomimes, science plays and puppet productions

Visiting Professionals

These include storytellers, magicians, clergy, police, firefighters, kite making and the Explorer Dome to name a few.

Enrichment Weeks

We plan whole-school focus week’s to immerse children in learning.  Previous weeks include:- Lost words (vocabulary) week,  Arts Week (based around a topical theme),  Environment Week, Internet Safety Week and Friendship Week.

Children can also choose from a range of clubs after school including French Club, Brick (Lego) Club, Forest School and Shine sports, drama or cooking clubs. Click here to go to our clubs and wraparound care page to find out more.

Henleaze Infant School © 2025