Year 2 Learning. Term 4, Week 2

Parents Evenings – Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February. You should have made your appointment times if you need to but please let your teachers know if you are still having any difficulty.

World Book Day Celebrations
*Please note that ourselves and the Junior School are celebrating this the day before the official day.
Henleaze Infant and Junior Schools are collaborating on Wednesday 6th March to mark this year’s World Book Day. To celebrate this day which acknowledges the importance of reading for pleasure, we have some exciting events for you to join in with:

  • Dress up as your favourite book character!
  • Join in for Mrs Wood’s Wake and Shake from 8.30am on the Infant playground (please note this is weather permitting and all children MUST be accompanied by an adult and then taken to their classrooms for the usual 8.45am start time). Juniors welcome too!
  • Bring in a printed photo of you ‘Reading Your Way. This could be reading a favourite book or reading in a favourite place, or perhaps reading whilst eating your favourite snack? It’s up to you how you show ‘Reading Your Way’.
  • Take home your World Book Day book token to redeem a book from many high street stores and supermarkets.

More information about World Book Day including how to redeem your token and support to encourage reading at home is available here:

Red Nose Day! ( Friday 15th March – Week 4) This will also involve dressing up if your child chooses to.
SPACE WOW DAY (Friday 22nd March – Week 5) The Explorer Dome will be coming to give each class their own Planetarium Show. We will be asking for a parental contribution for this but this is replacing a trip this term. We will give you more details nearer the time. It will involve dressing up for those who wish to!


1. Irregular Plurals  2. Plurals of words ending in y    3. Compound Words
Practice the spelling of Year 2 Common Exception Words: father   mother any   children great   parents
Revision and where necessary reteaching of phase 5 alternatives based on individual assessments carried out.
Reading more examples of Haiku Poetry.
Learning about how to retrieve information and meaning from texts.
Group and individual reading and activities.
Learning about Haiku Poems.
Learning more about Syllables.
Using the rules of the Haiku Poetry to plan and write a poem about our mums.

Example of a poem:

To know that there are 100 cm in 1m.
To measure lengths and heights in centimetres using a ruler.
To measure lengths and heights in metres using a metre stick and wheel.
To compare the measurements made.
To record measurements made using cm and m.

Geography – Group task: Each group to research a different zone, using printed resources, pictures, fact files, ipads, non-fiction books, atlases (Create a group mind map of everything they find out)
Science- Micro Habitats
PSHE – Being Relaxed – I can show or tell you what relaxed means and I know some things that make me feel relaxed and some that make me feel stressed
PE – Real PE unit 3 – Dynamic balance- on a line Static balance- stance. Lesson 2
R+WV- Jesus’ stories – The Unmerciful Servant
Computing – Linked to Geography work – take pictures & edit of our environment (temperate climate zone)
Music – Unit 6: Chronology – L5: Develop Understanding of pitch  through composers and their music.

Reading for the Stars

Bronze Award
Sycamore Class – Cameron

Silver Award
Maple Class – Elena
Sycamore Class – Sofie Amber

Gold Award
Maple Class – Sofie
Sycamore Class – Aara Emily

Maple Class – Cliona
Sycamore Class – Emily

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