Year 2 – Term 6, Week 3


  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.
  • Please continue to use Bug Club books, as well as those your child is bringing home. 

Week 2 celebrations 

We have had another brilliant week. The children have really enjoyed writing a diary entry in the role of Lila, as well as taking part in lots of practical maths activities focusing on sharing and grouping.      

Star of the week

Class 7 – Saskia

Class 8 – Olly

Class 9 – Rory

Week 3

This week, we are going to start our transition process with Henleaze Junior School. Each class will be going to the junior school field for a session where they will read to Year 3 children. Class 7 will be going on Wednesday, Class 8 and 9 on Thursday. This is dependent on the weather as the session will need to be outside. 

To access the Whole School Assembly with Mrs Fricker, click here



In writing this week, we are continuing to use the book Lila and the Secret of Rain as our hook. You can watch a video of the story by clicking here. The children are writing an innovated story of Lila and the Secret of Rain. They will have a chance to change the characters, setting and some of the events. The children will plan their story before spending a couple of sessions writing it. We will encourage children to use contractions, coordination, subordination, questions, exclamations and commands in their writing. We are really looking forward to reading the innovated stories.


This week, we will continue to assess the children’s reading skills through hearing them read individually but also through some independent reading assessments. The children will also have the challenge of seeing how many words they can read in 60 seconds! As always, the children will have time to enjoy reading independently and engage with books with their friends.

Focus spellings

Within our writing sessions, we will focus on using sound mats, word mats and dictionaries to check and improve our spelling.


In grammar, we will focus on how to uplevel a sentence through our use of punctuation, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. We will also practise using our editing skills to spot mistakes in punctuation and in the spelling of common exception words.


We are finishing off our consolidation of multiplication and division this week by focusing on dividing by 5 and 10. We will then practise using timesing and dividing number facts to solve missing number number sentences. For example 5 x _ = 30, 15 _ = 5.


We will be thinking about the reasons for why people have different views and opinions. The children will also be talking about the connections they make and talk about the things that interest them. 


We are going to continue learning the songs for our end of year play!


We will be continuing to talk to the children about change and will be thinking about change over time. 

Please click here to access the planning if you are self isolating.

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