Remember that school is closed to pupils on Friday 3rd May for our INSET day and then again next Monday 6th May for Bank Holiday.
Information about next week’s Enrichment Week (Tuesday to Friday):

Parent Helpers Needed on Thursday 9th May – Cookery Workshops: Please email Class emails if you can help…
Maple Class – 2 helpers 9:15-9:55 and 2 helpers 10:05-10:45 to help in workshops, Then 2 helpers 1:45-3:10 to help with washing-up and serving at the feast!
Sycamore Class – 2 helpers 11:00-11:45 and 2 helpers 1:15-1:55 to help in workshops, Then 2 helpers 1:45-3:10 to help with washing-up and serving at the feast!

My Bag of Belonging
For our enrichment week we will be sharing our different cultures and interests or sports or other groups we belong to. During this week we will send home a paper bag containing the following…
1.A blank handshape. Please colour the blank handshape with a flag or flags of the countries represented in your family.
2. Please also bring your bag back to school on Tuesday 7th May with a few objects or pictures which are special to you, to talk about in class. The children will bring their bags home at the end of the week but we will keep the hands to make into bunting in school.
Saturday 18th May – May Fair – Maypole and Choir performing
Spelling and Phonics
Session 1: adding -ing to words and doubling the final consonant
Session 2: adding -ed to words and doubling the final consonant
Session 3: adding -er and -est to words and doubling the final consonant
Common Exception Words for Reading and Spelling: improve should break great eye busy
Session 1: Read to the end of the story. Section off each part using images to support. Ask pupils to orally re-tell, then sequence using pictures and sentences.
Session 2: Create a class plan together for a new version of the story. Change one element (extend by asking some children to have more than one change) e.g. type of forest, character, animal visitor. Pupils create their own plan (following shared writing template) and share with a partner verbally.

Session 3: Start to write own version of story.
Session 4: Complete write of own version and edit. Read out aloud to rest of class.
1 Make links between the text they are reading and other texts they have read (in texts that they can read independently)
2 Recognise simple recurring literary language in stories and poetry
Tin Forest Comprehension Challenge

Fractions – We will be looking at:
What are Unit Fractions?
What are Non-unit Fractions?
To recognise the equivalence of a half and two quarters
To recognise three-quarters
Wider Curriculum
Science Plant a range of plants as a class and individually for ongoing plant study throughout the term, make predictions of what will happen and make and design a seed packet incorporating the instructions of how the seeds were planted. (This was delayed from last week)

Geography Start to look at a contrasting location to the UK, Columbia. We will continue this investigation through the term but especially during next week’s enrichment week when we will look at their culture and the Human Geography aspects.
PSHE Relationships – Friends and Conflict. Lots of discussion and role play to explore various scenarios and strategies. Follow a special assembly provided by the NSPCC.
R & WV Special places – Focus : Christianity – Church. Recap our Year 1 visit to St Peter’s Church. Record on our Church memories + I bubbles to go in our Reflection Journals.
PE/SHINE Team games involving throwing and catching and balance. Maypole dancing for those involved.
Music Learn and practice our whole school song ready to record and perform together at the end of the enrichment week next week.
Reading for the Stars
Gold Award
Maple Class – Amelia Leon
Sycamore Class – Edith

Maple Class – Daisy
Sycamore Class – Edith