Year 1 Learing, Term 5 Week 2

You should have now received information about, how to pay and the giving of consent for  our trip to… The SS Great Britain – Friday, 17th May. 
We are very excited. Class teachers will let you know as soon as possible if you are needed for this trip if you have offered to help. If you are able to help and have still not let your class teacher know then you have until Thursday of this week. 
Thank you!

  • If your child is going to a sports after school club (e.g. Shine), please provide them with a sports kit to wear, rather than asking them to take their PE kit. PE kits should be in school every day and should be left in school. 
  • We will be doing PE outside (weather permitting) in Term 5 and 6. Children can wear their school shoes to run around outside or you can provide them with a pair of trainers in their PE kit. 
  • As we move into the summer terms, you might be thinking about getting your child some new summer shoes. Please note that our uniform policy is: “Footwear suitable for school activities.  Open toe sandals should not be worn due to health and safety concerns”.

Phonics: Phase 5c
New Sounds: gn (gnat), kn (knit), wr (wrap), st (listen)
Recapping the sounds from Phase 5A: oy, ir, ue (glue), ue (cue)

Writing This week we will be continuing our work around the book Goram and Ghyston the Bristol Giants and we will be writing our own version of the story. Each day we will focus on a different section of the story (the beginning, middle and end) to help us think about about writing these parts using exciting adjectives and language.

This week we are contiuing with our multiplication unit and will looking at arrays. We will then be linking this to the repeated addition we were larning last week.

To write repeated addition number sentences to represent adding equal groups
To find and count equal groups
To group arrays in different ways
To link repeated addition to arrays

PE-  SHINE Outside Games Session – Skills for athletics – Javelin and ball skills. 

Music To identify the beat/ pulse in a piece of music. 

PSHE Making friends and Being my own best friend. Linking to online safety about how we communicate with others using technology.

Computing Coding – creating algorithms.

History– Introduction to Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 

Science– What do plants need to grow? 

R+WV– Experiencing the world around us using our senses.

Stars of the Week:
Bluebell Class – George
Cherry Class – Daniel
Daffodil Class – Toby

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