Year 2 Term 1 Week 4

We have had a wonderful week of learning this week. The WOW day was enjoyed by all and then we were so impressed with the children’s first piece of Year 2 published writing where they were able to describe themselves in character and give themselves fantastic names like; Lord Fearsome the Brave! We have also been hard at work creating some vibrant ELLI themed artwork which will go on display in the Main Hall, so look out for that!


In English we will begin to explore the book ‘Tell Me a Dragon’. The children will get to design their own pet dragon and use adjectives, verbs and conjunctions to create a description of their creature. There will be a focus on consistently punctuating sentences and creating imaginative sentences that are interesting for the reader. We will also continue with our weekly handwriting sessions, concentrating on correct letter formation and relevant size to other letters.

In phonics we will be looking at assessing what we know and what we still need to work on through individual phonics assessments. We will be completing exciting reading activities alongside this.


In Maths this week we will be continuing to compare numbers and order numbers and objects into greatest and smallest, as well as smallest and largest. We will also be using previous knowledge to count in 2s, 5, and 10s, as well as introducing counting in 3s.  

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)

In KUW this week the children will explore a range of historical sources to find out information about castles. They will then learn about how the features of a castle prevent enemy attacks. Using this knowledge, they will design a castle in small groups and then create a 3D model of it out of clay. 

Religion and World Views

In R + WV the children will be recapping on last week’s learning about celebratory milestones and creating celebration cards to demonstrate their understanding. 


In PSHE the children will be discussing belonging and what it feels like to be part of a community. They will also think about what rights and responsibilities they have within their class, school and home communities. 


Star of the Week

Class 7: Evelyn

Class 8: Oscar

Class 9: Ariana

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