Year 1 Learning Week 4 Term 1

Last Week’s WOW day – 

Thank you for all your efforts last week. We had a great day and it was lots of fun.  The children drew their own self portraits which we have displayed in our classrooms. It will be interesting to see how much they change throughout the year!


  • Thank you to all the parents who attended our introductory meeting last Thursday. If you were unable to attend, look back at our first blog post of the year where the details of the meeting’s contents were given.
  • We can now confirm our first school trip in nearly 2 years! We are going to visit Westonbirt Arboretum on Thursday 7th October.  We will send out details, permission forms and payment details early this week. We will also need some parent helpers. Please wait for this as we finalise numbers and work out the ratios required.  Risk assessments will be carried out, including following COVID guidance for the coach and Arboretum.
  • We will also be walking down to St Peters’ church for a visit as part of our R+WV curriculum. This is a local visit so permission is already covered but again, we will ask for parent volunteers to help us walk in our class groups to the church.
  • Children will change for their PE sessions so please continue to ensure that children’s PE kits are in school on their pegs. They need a white T-shirt, black shorts and a change of shoes, pumps or trainers.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions..  
  • We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect –Say hello to someone in our class you don’t know.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Move the pointer on your feelings wheel to show us how you’re feeling
Wednesday – Be Active –Purple Stew actions
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Try an activity you haven’t done yet in your classroom
Friday – Give –
Nominate someone for a kindness sticker because of something friendly you saw them do


Revision on Phase 3 and 4 Phonics (Taught in Reception): Look at ‘long e’ sound, ‘ee’ and how it is used in our character’s name.
Blending to read polysyllabic words: E.g restless, children, windmill
Teach adding the suffix –ed to verbs: helped, played
Teach adding the suffix –er to verbs to change them to a noun: helper, waiter
Blending for reading: E.g. melted, stayed, waited, singer, duster, recorder
Segmenting for spelling: E.g brushed, jumped, cooker, painter
Revise CEW: some, come
Handwriting: Correct formation of the CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families, concentrating on the ‘ladder’ and ‘zig zag’ families and a dictated sentence.
Vocabulary: adjective, phoneme, sounds, blend, consonant, vowel, letter, word, sentence, full stop
Writing: –
-Identify what an adjective is and list them to describe ourselves.
-Complete a sheet ‘All About Me’
-Writing sentences about ourselves using adjectives and full stops.
Reading: –
Whole Class.
Read together ‘ We are All Different’
Share and read through together the story of Beegu.
Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words in a text as part of a group and to explore CEW taught.


Recall of addition facts with 5 as the whole, plus facts from previous week (every day)
Counting across 20, forwards and backwards
Telling addition number stories from pictures using the vocabulary First, Then, Now…

Writing addition number sentences
Using a range of classroom resources to solve addition problems

Learning objectives:

  • Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), and equals (=)
  • Add one-digit numbers to 10, including 0.
  • Solve one step (and two-step – Exc) problems that involve addition, using concrete objects and pictorial representations and missing number problems.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Jasmine PE  

Music- Discuss how different sounds can make us feel
Learning Objectives:

-To recognise  & know about different sound sources.
-That we can make sounds in a variety of ways and we hear them with our ears

R+WV (Formally known as RE) – Beegu  -How does an Outsider feel?
Learning Objectives:
–  To understand what it means to belong within a family and community
– To talk about things that are about themselves or that happen to them in places where they feel they belong.

DT – To make a model of Beegu using plasticine
Learning Objectives:
– I can create a model of Beegu using plan, do and review

Computing –  Remind the children of our e safety rules and what to do if they see something they don’t like on-line. Teach children to log in independently to their Purple Mash Account and then create their own Avatar for their Purple Mash Account. 

Science-Ourselves – Thinking about the parts of our bodies and the functions they perform. Create a large picture as a group to show where they think each part of the body is and label. Check to see if they are correct.Learning objective: I can name the parts of my body and know what functions they help us to perform. Optional starter, Head, shoulders knees and toes song.

Class 4- Talia

Class 5- Oscar

Class 6- Tiya

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