Reception – Term 4, Week 6


  • We will be going to Cairns Road Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon to take part the Easter Trail. The date on the bulletin was incorrect. We are going on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you to those who volunteered!
  • Thank you for signing up to donate some fruit to you child’s class. Please bring this in on Monday morning.
  • Please click here to view some example questions you can ask when reading with your child.
  • Every child needs to bring their book, book bag and reading record into school everyday. Please make sure children bring their reading book and reading for pleasure book in on a Monday, and their Library book in on the day their class visits the library. Mrs Hibbard has sent an email telling you when this is for each class.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources on the patio before school (including the mountain and the bikes/scooters). Please pass this on to any adults who bring your child to school.
  • This document (click here) shows you the Phase 2 phonemes with a description of the corresponding action, the correct letter formation and the image children will associate with the phoneme. Please use this document to support your child’s letter formation and use the ‘script’ that we use in school to ensure consistency.
  • You can click here to access the blog post about reading at Henleaze Infant School and click here to view some of the FAQ’s.


We went on an amazing school trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. The children really enjoyed looking at all of the African animals. They met and touched a snake and held a cockroach! Please see individual class blogs for photos (Class 2’s will be coming on Monday). 

Class 1 – click here (MORE COMING ON MONDAY)

Class 2 – click here (COMING ON MONDAY)

Class 3 – click here

We were lucky to have a visitor to come to talk to us about Passover. The children enjoyed learning about numbers beyond 10 and rewriting Handa’s Surprise.

Star of the Week

Class 1 – Evie

Class 2 – Jasper

Class 3 – Cameron 

Evidence Me – Observation request

To support our PSED learning this week, please could your child make a bright poster saying “Never talk to strangers!” and submit a picture to Evidence Me. 

Please click here to view the Evidence Me parents guide.

Week 6 Learning

Please click here to access this weeks planning if you are self isolating.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week, we will talk about “Stranger Danger” and make sure the children know what a stranger is and how to stay safe. As part of this, we emphasise that we will never allow them to go home from school with someone a parent hasn’t authorised.

As our home challenge, please could your child make a bright poster saying “Never talk to strangers!” and submit a picture to Evidence Me. 

We will continue to challenge the children to make sure they know the name of their road and their house number to tell a police officer if they are ever lost.

We will also continue to talk about healthy eating when we make our fruit salad.

Communication and Language

We will continue to re-read Handa’s Surprise story to build up familiarity and understanding. The children will be encouraged to use vocabulary from the story in their role play. 

Word of the week: Instruction 

Physical Development

We will be carrying on with our jungle themed games and challenges using high and low equipment. We will be supporting children to build a sequence of moves into their work.


Please continue to use the phonics and common exception word grid with your child to practice all the phonemes and ‘CEW’ we have learnt so far. We suggest doing this alongside their daily reading. 

Click here to access our GPC (grapheme phoneme correspondence) and common exception word mat. 

This week we will start our Phase 4 learning, beginning with adjacent consonants. For example ‘ft’ in the word ‘sift’ or ‘el’ in the word ‘held’. We will also be learning two new Phase 4 common exception words: said, have. 

Please support your child at home to practise their letter formation. Click here to see the correct letter formation and ‘script’ we use in school to support children to form their letters. This will ensure consistency between home and school.

This week we will continue to read with your child either 1:1 or in a small guided reading session. Please continue to read with your child every day to improve their fluency with a text. Ask your child questions about the characters, what they think might happen next and discuss/ explain what they think is happening in the pictures.

Writing –This week we will be writing a set of instructions on how to make a fruit salad. 


This week, the children will learn about counting patterns beyond 10. They will have regular opportunities to count on and back beyond 10. We will be looking at different representations and the associated numerals. The representation we will be looking at will clearly show the full ten and the part of ten, for example 14 is one full ten and four. Alongside this, the children will be counting on and back from different starting points. We will also be reading ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab’ and the children will be representing numbers between 11 and 20 using their Maths Graphics skills.

Understanding the World

We will be drawing on all of our learning this term as we make a comparative list of what we know about places that are different to where we live. We hope this class discussion will cover animals, clothes and climate and anything else children share.

Religion and Worldviews

This week we will be learning about different traditions people have in the UK to celebrate Easter.

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will be using the fruits from Handa’s Surprise to prepare and taste a fruit salad. Please remember to bring in your donations on Monday.

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