Year 1 News- Term 2, Week 2

Another fantastic week of learning in year one this week.

In English we have begun learning around a new book ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ by Micheal Foreman. We have been reading selected bits at a time, focusing on the use of language, punctuation, conjunctions and clauses and making predictions and about what we think will happen next.

We have had some lovely discussion about the illustrations and have given us great excuses to practice comprehension as a whole class. This has successfully hooked most of the children in well, particularly all the Dinosaur lovers! We will continue into next week with our learning around this book.

This week we are learning alternate sounds for f/ff being ‘ph’ in dolphin, w being ‘wh’ in wheel and ch, being ‘tch’ in watch. Please refer to your children’s sounds and words book in which you will find the sticker with our keywords and spellings of the week.

In maths this week we have been using our previous knowledge of our number bonds to ten to complete addition number sentences to 10 and 20, using concrete apparatus, pictorial representation, number lines and our mental maths skills to help us with our workings out. We have really impressed our teachers with our snappy number bond knowledge! Working on these at home would be greatly beneficial for our next week’s learning also. See if together you can figure out all of the ways to make 10!

In our PSHE this week we have been thinking about steps towards achieving our dreams and goals and celebrating things we have achieved over the past week at school and at home, celebrating our successes together.

In RE we have been appreciating that individuals and cultures express their beliefs and values through many different forms such as through sacred writings and stories. We have had a look at our own favourite stories and discussed why they are special to us. We have learnt why the Quran is special to Muslims and why in which respect is shown towards it.

Have a lovely weekend!

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