Year 1 Learning. Term 4, Week 4

Due to the proposed strike action both classes will be making their fruit salads on Monday. We will be using some of the following fruits:

Kiwi fruits
Orange juice

You should have also already received an email about this but Please let your class teacher know if there are any allergies.


This Friday (17th March) is Red Nose Day – Children can wear red clothes and noses and bring in a donation for this great cause.

Your child should have brought home some slips on Friday about the play. There are some items that we need for costumes and those who have asked for a speaking part, their words to learn. Please ask your teacher if you did not get a costume slip or are unsure.

  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 
  • We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Give me five
Tuesday – Take Notice- There is no angry way to say BUBBLES! This is a funny way to calm down children who are getting angry. They have to say bubbles, but you can’t say it angrily or usually without smiling.
Wednesday – Be Active – Would you rather workout
Thursday – Keep Learning – Plastic cups challenge
Friday – Give –  Kindness A to Z


Phonics: Phase 5b – Alternative Pronunciations
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practise in.
Focus alternatives: ou (you), ou(could), ou (mould), y (by), y (gym)
Keywords and Spelling: different, any, eyes, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, today, out, could

Grammar: adjectives and the use of –ly in Standard English to turn adjectives into adverbs  

Session 1:
Introduce poems and discuss what they are- share some poems from children’s poems book. Look at shape poems- what do children notice?
We’re going to write a poem about our mum- what sort of things might we say?
Children to write poem in books. 

Session 2:
Publish poem from yesterday after editing. Decorated and roll into scroll with ribbons.

Session 3:
Make a flyer to promote the play that can be sent home and used around the school. Discuss use of bold print and colours and key information to be included.

Session 4: Handwriting: Focus on correct letter formation to practise keywords and sounds from the week.

Reading: Focus: Reading Comprehension –  Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.



Compare, describe, use the language and solve practical problems for mass/weight

Measure and begin to record the mass/weight of a range of objects.

Wider Curriculum

PE-  SHINE Outside Session 

Hall Session PE – To explore and develop teamwork skills. Learning Dances for the play.

Science Sort animals by different characteristics. Learn the names of the different groups. Use these to state why the characteristics of an animal place them in a particular group. Can an animal belong to more than 1 group? Use the conjunction ‘because’ to help explain your findings.

R+WV Easter around the world. Remind the children of the Big Question this term: “Why are some stories special?” How do different Christians celebrate Easter around the world?

Music/Drama – Practice all songs and start to put scenes/play together. 

PSHE Being Healthy – Medicine Safety – Understand that medicines can help me if I feel poorly and that I must know how to use them safely.To know some ways to help myself when I feel poorly.

DT– Make a fruit salad following last week’s design and lesson about knife safety. Evaluate the taste and how easy it was to cut the different fruits. What could have made it easier?

Year 1 Reading Stars

Bronze Award: 
Cherry Class- Rosalie

Silver Award: 
Bluebell Class  – Thomas Amelia Oscar
Cherry Class-  Aara Sienna

Gold Award: 
Bluebell Class  –  Joe T Sofie

Bluebell Class – Joe W

Cherry Class – All of Cherry Class awarded Star of the Week

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