- If your child completes one of the sides of their bookmark, please alert your child’s class teacher.
- Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. If they do not have it on a Monday, they will not be able to have a new reading book.
- We would like you to support your child to hold their pencil correctly when they are using them at home. Children should be using a tripod grip. Click here to see a BBC Bitesize video about how to hold a pencil.
- Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.
The children have loved playing outside in the nice sunny weather on the patio and doing the Tuesday Track. They particularly liked looking at and comparing the beans to find out which was the tallest.
Star of the Week
- Daffodil –
- Daisy – Alistair
- Buttercup – Rhea
Tapestry – Observation request
The focus this week is: Understanding the world
We have been learning about seasonal change and talking about weather patterns. Please send in your child’s understanding of the seasons. For example this could be through art, a video, or scribed comments.
Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices.
Apple device Andriod device Desktop
This week’s learning
We will continue our ‘In the Garden’ topic this term, but we will be focusing on minibeasts.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This week, we will be starting our new PSED topic, Changing Me. We will start by thinking about our bodies.
Communication and Language
We will be starting our new key text ‘Mini beasties’ which is a poetry book. We will be reading the poems throughout the week.
Word of the week: minibeast
Physical Development
We will be taking PE outside and practising listening to instructions with team games and new activities in readiness for sports day. We will also be learning about how to be a good team member.
This week we will become masters in our phase 4 phonics, we will revisit reading and spelling words with the adjacent consonants: ft, mp, lt, nt, st, ld, lf
Common exception words: said, have
Writing: This week we will be writing Father’s Day Cards.
This week we will be learning about doubling. The children will work like the linking spider to find out that double a number, will always be an even number. We will be learning about odd and even numbers too.
Understanding the World
We will be thinking about change in lots of ways; from nursery to school, a bean to a plant, eggs to minibeasts, seasonal change etc.
We will be going on a Summer Wonder Walk around the school grounds as we talk about the summer season.
Religion and Worldviews
We are continuing our big question ‘How should we live our lives?’. This week, the children will be thinking about who is important to Christians.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week in Music we will be naming a selection of percussion instruments and learning to play them in an appropriate way.