Year 1 Learning Term 4, Week 1

Welcome back! We hope the children (and grown ups!) are well rested and ready for another exciting and busy term.

Diary Dates

Monday 19th February 2023 – term 4 starts
Thursday 22nd February – 100 Day – see below
Friday 23rd February – Open morning – parents are invited to come into school to see their children’s work (approx 9am)
Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February – parents evening

Wednesday 6th March – World Book Day. Children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character.

Friday 15th March – Red nose day – more info on dressing up to follow.
Thursday 21st March – Year 1 performance

Whole School 100 Day- Thursday 22nd February
On Thursday 22nd February 2024, we are taking part in a themed Maths day. We have chosen this day as it will mark reaching 100 on our daily counts. We are asking for your support in enabling your child to come to school with one thing you can find at home that represents 100. Some ideas include:

  • A top trumps card with ‘100’ on it
  • £1 (100p)
  • An item that is 100cm tall
  • Something that weighs 100g
  • A puzzle with 100 pieces
  • A book with 100 pages
  • 100th anniversary booklet

Text: Yeti and the Bird, by Nadia Shireen

Phonics: Phase 5b – Alternative Pronunciations
This term we will be moving onto alternative pronunciations of the graphemes that we already know. For example we have already learnt that ‘a’ can be pronounced like in cat but it can also be pronounced like in acorn and fast and was
This week’s focus alternatives:  a (acorn)   a (fast)   a  (was)   e (he)
Keywords and Spelling: water, where, who, again, little, one

We will also be receiving a letter to the class (from the yeti asking how to make friends). Children will write sentences about how to be a good friend and about whether they’d be friends with a yeti or not.
Grammar: Using our key text we will be comparing what opposites mean as well as comparing using the suffix -er, -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word 

Maths fluency (mental maths)
Recall of 1 more/less within 100
Recall of 10 more/less within 100
Recognise numbers to 100
We are aiming for children to be able to recall 1 and 10 more/less and so this is a key skill to practise at home. Click the image below for a game that they can play to practise.

Main learning – 2D and 3D shape
As well as our 100 day celebrations we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week.

We will be naming the shapes and using the following vocabulary to describe these shapes:
-corner/vertex (vertice)

PE-  SHINE Outside Session 

Jasmine PEFlight: Jumping and Landing – We will be practicing our landing positions (with bent knees and arms in front) to help us do neat jumps with soft landings. We will have a go at different types of jumps, including straight, hop, cat leap, jete and a hop with leg at 90 degrees.

Geography – Hot and Cold Places – We will also be thinking about the weather in the UK and whether we are a hot or cold country or somewhere inbetween. We will then be labeling some of things that we have learnt on our own maps of the world. 

R+WVThe Five Pillars of Islam – We will be learning about how the Qur’an tells Muslims five things which all good Muslims should do in their lives. These are known as the Five Pillars of Islam.

– We will be learning songs for our play!! They are quite catchy so listen out for them being sung or hummed at home over the next few weeks!

PSHE/ScienceBeing Healthy – Our PSHE and some of our science this term is all about what our bodies need to be healthy. We will be kicking this off with thinking about what some of those things are, including a balanced diet, exercise, keeping clean, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water. We will also be discussing how using the internet and screen time makes us feel. We will think about how we can tell when to take a break from screens to get a healthy balance.

Maintaining balanced lifestyle key to staying healthy > Joint Base San  Antonio > News

Bluebell Class – Toby
Cherry Class – William
Daffodil Class – Bella

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