Reception – Term 5, Week 5

  • Wednesday 15th May – Governor day. We will be welcoming governors into our school for governors to see a snapshot of our school in action, to soak up the ethos and see some curriculum subjects in action. Governors will be in the playground between 3:15 and 3:30 to speak to parents, so please do approach them and talk to them about your child’s first year at our school.
  • Saturday 18th May – May Fair. Every child will have brought home a booklet with the schedule.
  • Please alert your child’s class teacher if your child finishes one side of their bookmark so that they can receive their first certificate in assembly. You can find information on our reading incentive by clicking here
  • Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. We will go outside even when it is cold and raining.
  • Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. If they do not have it on a Monday, they will not be able to have a new reading book. Please make sure the reading books come into school each day with your child. 
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.

The children have been involved in so many wonderful activities this week and it has been such a joy to see how enthusiastic they have been about learning about different cultures and traditions. We’ve loved listening to the children talk about the things in their bag, our Afrobeats dance workshop, cooking Vietnamese summer rolls, learning songs from other parts of the world, listening to stories in another language and much much more! Thank you so much to parent and families who have helped to make this such an enriching week for the children.

Daisy – Huw

Buttercup –  Saahas

This week, we would like you to support your child’s physical development by showing what they can do with a ball! In our PE lessons, we have been kicking, bouncing and catching balls. Please send us a photo or video of your child practicing this at home (if you have a ball).

You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers.

Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

Apple device

Andriod device


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week the children will be discussing ways to help them calm down when feeling upset and angry. 

Communication and Language 

Book of the week: Jack and the Beanstalk – a variety of editions!

We will be recalling and describing the events in detail.

We always encourage the children to engage in story times and non-fiction books in these ways:

Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding. 

Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what is being said. 

Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences. 

Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives. 

Describe some events in detail.

Word of the Week: pointillism

Physical Development 

In PE we will be partnering up and practising our reaction and response skills with one person dropping the ball and their partner seeing how quickly they can react by catching the ball. 

Our dance session this week has an under the sea theme. 


This week in Phonics, we will be following the Phase 4 Mastery lessons.

We will practising reading and writing adjacent consonants: bl, br, cr, sk, ct, pt, gl, gr, nd

We will revisit the common exception words: were,  there

We will practise blending phonemes to read, and segmenting words to spell them using the phonemes and graphemes we have learned so far.

Writing:  We will be sequencing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, and we will use our learning in phonics to help us continue to write the key events in the story.


We will continue to learn about sharing. This week, the children will explore grouping and learn about odd and even grouping. 

Understanding the World 

We will be observing how well our beans are growing and discussing why some might be growing quicker than others. 

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our question, “How should we live our lives?” We will be reading a story which shows us a good way to live – saying sorry. “Whoops but it wasn’t me. Charlie and Lola”

Expressive Arts and Design

We will be learning about pointillism this week in art and we will be trying to replicate some of the artist George Seurat’s work. 

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