Year 2 Home Learning – Term 5, Week 1 (w.b. 20.4.20)

Welcome back to a new term. We hope you were all able to enjoy the Easter break. As you can see, your teachers have been keeping nice and busy!

This Term we are starting our new topic ‘Into the Wild’.

We may not be exploring it quite as we intended to but there are still lots of lovely activities and lessons that you can try at home.

Resources for the week can be found here.


Learning Objective:  In age appropriate books, read sufficiently fluently to focus on understanding rather than on decoding individual words.

Please continue to read every day. Remember reading includes reading from books, newspapers, magazines, comics…. anything that has text! If you can, see if you have any books at home about animals, nature or wildlife. Can you share 5 new facts that you have read about nature with someone else in your household?  If you don’t have any wildlife books at home the RSPB have a super website full of interesting facts.

Throughout the course of the week complete the ‘Spring English Activity Booklet’ in the resource folder.


This year we have been working closely with The English Hub at St Peter’s Primary in Portishead. They have produced some fantastic lessons to help Year 2 children refresh their understanding of some key grammar concepts. This week the lesson looks at statements as a sentence type. You can access the lesson here.


For the next few weeks we will be focussing on a new key text ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward.

You can listen to the story here. Try to watch the video a few times to really familiarise yourself with the language of the text. 

Task 1: Learning Objective: Demarcate all sentences with capital letters and full stops and use question marks correctly when required.

Use the powerpoint ‘Tin forest punctuation lesson ’ in the resource drive to take you through today’s writing activity focussing on accurate punctuation.

If you would like an additional challenge you could also try the further activity about possessive apostrophes, found as a powerpoint in the resource folder.

Task 2:  Nature Walk

On your daily exercise walk take some time to really look at the nature all around you. What plants and animals can you find in your local area? Really focus on your senses. What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? Record notes ready to use for a recount tomorrow. A template is provided in the resource folder if you would like to use it.

If you are self-isolating or unable to get out and about at the moment you can use the photos and videos in the resource folder from Mrs Larner’s nature walk. Can you make some notes describing what Mrs Larner saw? 

Task 3: Learning objective: Write a coherent narrative about a real experience.

Use the powerpoint in the resources folder ‘Nature walk – recount’ to take you through today’s task. Using notes from yesterday write a recount of your nature walk. 

Again, if you were unable to go on your own nature walk you could pretend you were on the walk with Mrs Larner! What did you think of the lizard? Did you hear any other sounds? 


This week our focus will be on place value (10s and 1s) in 2-digit numbers. 

Daily Number Fluency

Five mental arithmetic challenge sheets are available in the resource folder. These problems require children to recall and use number facts (such as doubles, halves and number bonds). If your child is not ready to complete the challenges mentally, please help them to make a number line or give them some small objects to count with.

Task 1 – Learning Objective: To partition 2-digit numbers in different ways.

Partitioning means splitting up large numbers into smaller units to help us with calculations. See the quick video here for a clear explanation.

Today we will be using chips and peas to help us! 1 chip = 10 and 1 pea = 1. For each 2-digit number (see resources folder), ask your child to represent it by drawing chips and peas (or use real ones if you like). Arrange the chips and peas to partition the number and record as a number sentence. Try partitioning each number in different ways (as shown).

Task 2 – Learning Objective: To solve addition and subtraction problems using a variety of methods.

Work through the addition and subtraction booklet saved in the resources folder. This booklet is long, don’t attempt to complete it in one go! Please go through each section with your child so they understand what they need to do and give them help if needed. Check each section with your childre, addressing any mistakes or misconceptions, before allowing them to move on.

If your child needs a greater challenge, try the word problems in the resources folder as an extension.

Task 3 – Learning Objective: Apply knowledge of place value and use relevant language (odd, even, multiple).

Play the 2-Digit Targets game available in the resources folder. Use the key questions to support your discussion with your child. 

If your child enjoys this challenge they can try the 4-Digit Targets sheet as an extension.


Please continue to start your day with the Joe Wicks work out or a similar activity of your choice.

Fitness: At school we like to do aerobics (dance routines) when we need to get active. The Year 2 children have seen our routines a few times. Your challenge this week is to replicate them at home! Here is a list of the songs that we use at school:

Tragedy – Steps

Witch Doctor – Cartoons

I’m gonna be (500 miles) – The Proclaimers

Keep on Movin’ – 5ive

Walk the Dinosaur – Was Not Was

Lollipop – Mika

Make up your own moves if you get stuck! For an extra challenge, choreograph your own routine to your favourite song. If you’re very lucky we might send out a video of the Year 2 Team’s high quality moves!

Skills: Practise throwing and catching a ball (or something ball shaped) by yourself and with a partner. To add challenge increase the distance between you and catch one handed (with either hand).


This term we will be thinking about what places are special to us and why, and what places are special to members of religious groups for example; buildings used for worship, special places in the home. 

This week’s task is a thinking activity and a chance for you to take some time to relax and be mindful.  Find a special place for you in your house, this might be your bedroom, the living room or somewhere in your garden. Find a comfortable spot and try listening to some relaxing music . Whilst you are relaxing, think about something that is in this special place that shows you belong here. Think about why this object, painting, furniture shows your belonging and what about it is special to you.


Learning Objective: I can find out and describe what plants need to grow and stay healthy. 

For our topic this term we are going to be planting and observing how seeds grow in different environments. This will begin from next week. If you are unable to source seeds or soil please see this link to how you can grow seeds from leftover vegetables. Mrs Grant will also conduct the experiment and upload pictures of the seeds, which you can use as part of your observations if you are unable to plant your own. 

Task 1: This is designed to find out what you already know. Without research,  draw a spider diagram in your books and write down your ideas about what you think a plant needs to survive, grow and be healthy. 

Task 2: Use any books you might have or a computer to research what plants need to survive and, in a different coloured pen, add any new information you have learnt to your spider diagram.  There is also an informative powerpoint saved in the resources folder.


If you would like an extra challenge this week have a go at following Myleen’s Music Klass to learn some basic rhythms and how to play your name. Available here.

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