Year 1 – Week 7, Term 1

Celebration of last week
What a busy 4 days! We’ve had rain, wind, flu vaccinations, extra PE, Forest school (for some) and all our usual fun and learning! We have all worked hard and there has been some wonderful learning. We are looking forward to sharing all of this with you in the first week of Term 2 and will send more information out soon about days and times for that. Parents evenings will follow on Zoom in week 2. We are all really proud of our work and can’t wait to share. In our PSHE last week we talked lots about the feeling of pride and how it makes us feel!


  • Please remember coats everyday even if the day starts fine and sunny! Last week we had a number of children in each class without a coat. We will always aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a warm, waterproof coat each day.
  • FHIS Amazon Wishlist –As a year group we were asked to include items to the wish list. In the final week of this term we are hoping to make some animations of our Beegu story. We have included yellow plasticine on the wish list. Thank you to those that have already contributed. When writing, there were still some left in the basket! If you are shopping over the next week or so and are able to contribute that would be amazing.
  • Children will bring home reading books this week. Each class has the children split into 5 groups (each with 6 children in), so over the 5 days of the school week each group will change their books on a different day. The day that your child brings home their reading books will be the day that they will change them each week. At the end of the week we will send home a list of the groups and the relevant days. It will be really important to stick to the days as this will help with the book quarantine process and allow children to access the book boxes safely on their day to choose new books. Thank you for supporting us in this matter.

Forest School This week some of our children in Year 1 will be having their final forest school session. Class 6 missed a session last week due to illness and Fiona will be running theirs in the final week so they don’t miss out! The weather has been kinder to some groups more than others so please remember coats and wellies.

Class 4: Cicely

Class 5: Florie

Class 6: Abi AND Class 6 won the Class Cup!!!!

Learning for the week

Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.


*Remember to write the phonics and keywords in your books at home. These can be used to practise them throughout the week. You can also draw pictures and put the words into sentences in this book for an extra challenge.

Daily Recapping Phase 3 and continuing to apply them for blending words and spelling. Reviewing our sounds to read Phase 4 blends.
We will have a particular focus on: lk, sl, cr, pr, tw, sn (See words below for examples.)
Reading: walk, sleep, crawl, pram, twin, sniff
Spelling:  there   what   when   out   
(Also could include in sentences)
Vocabulary: verb, adjective, phoneme, sounds,  blend, letter name, word, sentence, Capital letter and full stop

Writing (Linked to Science):

  • Discuss what a verb is and make a class list of verbs to show what we could do as a baby and now as young children. 
  •  Following on from last week’s science, Ask questions and make suggestions about how humans change as they grow and get older. Make predictions about the link between growing and getting older. 
  • Use words gathered in lists to write sentences about us being a baby and comparing to us now. 
  • Use writing scaffolds and sentence starters where appropriate. E.g. ‘When I  was a baby I could…and now I can….’
  • Remember to use a full stop at the end of sentence.
  • Encourage to extend writing and encourage independence.
  • Match action verbs- words and pictures.
  • Handwriting and Spellings of the phonics and keywords listed above through formation and joining practice and dictated sentences.


  • Read as part of a group and/or individually, recognising and joining in with predictable phrases.
  • Read as part of a group, responding with the correct sound to graphemes for phonemes taught.
  • Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words.
  • Challenge: Discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known
  • Listen to and discuss a wide range of stories and non-fiction beyond independent reading level 
  • Explore inference – what is the author trying to tell us?
  • Assessment


Daily fluency

  • Recall of addition facts within 9. 
  • Recall of 1 more/less within 20.
  • Practice correct number formation.

Main Learning Objectives:
● To use the language part-part whole and relate to addition and subtraction.
● To find all addition and subtraction number sentences relating to a part-
part whole model.
● To know that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.
● To tell first then now stories in reverse to find the equivalent addition and
subtraction number sentences.
● To identify whether a number within 10 is odd or even.

Key Possible Difficulty Points:
● When finding subtraction number sentences, always start with the whole
and subtract one part.
● When finding addition operations, always add the 2 parts to give the whole.
● Using numicon to aid the explanation of odd/even numbers – move away
from odd numbers have a stick up bit towards the explanation that even
numbers all have.

Wider Curriculum

Learning Objectives:
To master fundamental movement skills,
Increase agility, balance and coordination individually and with others 
Follow instructions.
Pirate themed PE practising the various skills relating to balance:
-Balance on one leg for at least 10 secs without wobbling, swap legs
-5 mini squats on one leg, swap legs
-On one leg close your eyes and stay still for 30 secs. Swap legs.
-Ankle extensions (raise up, still on one leg
-5 more mini squats, swap legs

Learning Objectives:
I can use (or mix) colours and textures to match observational work.

In order to celebrate Harvest festival each class will be creating images of fruit and vegetables.
Class 4 – cauliflower, carrot and rhubarb
Class 5 – cabbage, turnip and marrow
Class 6 – strawberries, tomatoes and gooseberries 

Science (Linked to English)
Learning Objectives
I can make predictions about the link between growing and getting older
I can set up a scientific experiment to find out if children grow taller as they get older.
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip ‘How we change as we grow older’:
The question is “Do we get taller as we grow older?” We are setting this experiment up at this point and the children will be measured at three points in the year. This will be the first measurement so there will be no conclusion yet.

Learning Objectives
I can log in to Purple mash
I understand the need to keep my password secret
I understand the need for e-safety
Lesson to set the children up with their individual logins to Purple Mash and create their avatars to go with their profiles. Start with the need for e-safety and how we stay safe on the internet.  

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