Year 1 Learning, Term 5 Week 1

Our Theme for Learning this term: Bristol

PE Kits – please send these back in if they were sent home to wash over the holidays. Over the last 2 terms we will be starting to get outside more for PE. Please can you ensure your child has trainers or daps as part of their PE kits. They may not need seperate trainers if their school shoes are suitable (no open toe shoes/sandals).
Reminder of days:

This week you will be getting information and method of payment for our Year 1 Trip to the SS Great Britain. This will be taking place on Friday, 17th May (apologies – last blog post said 17th of April!). 

For anyone in choir… advance warning they will be performing at the May Fair on Saturday 18th May so save the date!

17th May – SS Great Britain Trip
Friday 3rd May – INSET day – School closed to children
Monday 6th May – Bank holiday (school closed)
Tuesday 7th May – Friday 10th May – Cultural Week
Saturday 18th May – May Fair

Phonics: Phase 5c
Teach alternative spellings of phonemes:
/ch/ (as in picture),
/ch/ (as in catch),
/j/ (as in fudge),
/m/ (as in lamb) 
This week our writing will be based around the story Goram and Ghyston the Giants of Bristol. We will be acting out the story, writing a character profile and mapping out the key parts of the story.

Reading: Focus: Stories with giants. If you have any age appropriate fairy tales with giants as characters that you could share, please send them in.

Maths Fluency
-To count in 2s, 5s and 10s
-Number recognition to 100
-Counting forwards and backwards within 100
-1 more/less within 100
-10 more/less within 100
Main learning
Introduction to Multiplication –   Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and the relationship between multiplication and repeated addition.

  • To count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • To make equal groups
  • To add equal groups
  • To write repeated addition number sentences to represent adding equal groups

PE- SHINE Outside Games Session – Skills for athletics

Jasmine PEPE assessment- sending and receiving balls

R+WV First session in our new unit: Why is our World special?

Computing Introduction to Coding using Purple Mash

Music- To identify rhythm and pulse in a piece of music.

PSHE– Relationships – Discussing how families can be different and thinking about the people that are in my family. 

Science– Identifying the parts of a plant and their functions. 

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