Term 3, Week 1

Happy New Year and welcome back to term 3!  We hope that you have all had really lovely and healthy Christmas and New Year holidays. While there is still a lot of uncertainty about the next few months we are looking forward to seeing all the children and to an exciting and productive term ahead.

This is always a very busy term when we build on what the children learnt last term. Our overlying topic for terms 3 and 4 is ‘Lets Explore’. This term we will be using the well known story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen to learn more about the world around us. 

Thinking back to the end of last term we had a great week of Christmas Celebrations as you can see from these photographs!


Warm clothing

In order to keep the classrooms well ventilated inline with our COVID Risk Assessment we do have the windows open. It does get very cold in the classrooms especially in the afternoons. Please make sure your cold is wearing  plenty of warm clothes and layers to ensure they are comfortable.

Outdoor clothing

We will be spending a lot of time outside. Please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat ,preferably with a hood. They will also need hats , gloves, scarves and sensible shoes. 

It would really help us if you could help your child to practise putting all these clothes on independently.

Keeping safe

Please remind your child about the need for them to keep safe by washing their hands properly with soap for at least 20 seconds and then drying them carefully.

If your child has a runny nose or cold please remind them of the ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ rule. We always welcome donations of boxes of tissues.

This weeks learning

The full plans can be found here for anyone quarantining at home.


Our whole school term 3  Jigsaw theme is ‘Dreams and Goals’. This week we will be thinking about how we keep going when we find things difficult. 

Communication and Language

This week we will be talking to each other about what we did during the holidays.

We will be introducing our new topic by reading the story ‘“We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ by Micael Rosen, joining in with the rhyme using actions and expression.


During our patio play we will be thinking about how we can travel ‘over’ ‘under’ and ‘through’ things. In our PE lessons we will be focusing on dynamic balance and agility, learning to jump and land safely.


This week we will be recapping all last terms phonemes and tricky words. We will practise blending (reading) and segmenting (spelling) words.

We will be writing simple sentences about our Christmas holidays. Eg. I had a ……. from Santa / I went to … .

We will be reading either individually or in groups.


This week we will be recapping last terms learning. Counting and recognising numbers 0 – 10, ordering numbers and finding one more and one less. We will revisit part part whole models and tens frames using them to find different ways of making numbers and recording our calculations.

Understanding the World 

People and Communities  We will be sharing our own Christmas celebrations with the class.

The World This week we will begin to learn about the different places in the Bear Hunt story. We will think about Winter, the changes in the weather and what it means for animals.


We will continue exploring Purple Mash and will introduce Beebots.


Our RE module this term is ‘Why are some times special? ’ This week we will talk about the different ways that we celebrated Christmas . 

Our observation challenge this week is for a photograph of some of your family’s Christmas celebrations.

Expressive Arts

In our role play this week we will be going on our own Bear Hunts inside and outside the classroom. We will be dressing up  and making our own Bear Caves. 

We will learn the song’ Brown Bears snoring’ and accompany it with percussion instruments.

We will begin to think about the different materials that we could use to make a collage of the story.

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