Week 2 T3 home learning – Year 1

Hello! We have written a introduction letter to explain the format of the blog and to try and help you navigate it. Please do take the time to read through this before looking at the blog as we hope that it will help make it easier to navigate what is clearly a low of new information!

You can print out a copy of the blog here.

Plus we have arranged all of the printables into one folder as we know some people last time wanted to print it all in one go. A link to that folder is here.

Suggested Timetable – please click on it to access links

SubjectWork to be submitted via Google Classroom
EnglishSession 1 – Thursday – Written  Instructions
MathsSession 2- Thursday
TopicSession 3 – RE – Tuesday 

Daily Well-being
As your child’s well being is more important than ever we will be providing 5 suggestions for wellbeing activities each week, based on the NHS idea of “Five to Thrive”. These areas are:
Connect (Keeping in touch and taking time to talk to others)
Take notice (Mindfulness and feelings)
Exercise (Short fun active)
Keep learning (Try something new; challenges; resilience)
Give (Kindness and thankfulness)
There will be a well being activity suggested each day (below) relating to these themes

Weekly Plan


Daily Well being: Connect – Post a card to a friend or family member: Ideas for how to make a home made card

Daily Phonics and Spelling:
Recap grapheme from last week
ph  (dolphin), making the /f/ sound 
Video here

Session 1 English: ‘Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish’ – Discussion and sentence write
Learning Objectives: 
– To explore the themes of a story through discussion.
– Write a sentence about a dream after saying out loud first. 
Watch the story Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish being read here – only watch the first part,  pause after ‘Somehow I must  fly’.
Discuss these questions:
What is the man’s dream? 
Have you ever had a dream? What is your dream? Why?
Talk about the difference between dreams we have when we are sleeping and dreams when we are awake, e.g. desires and aims.
Model creating a sentence orally. I dream that I will… so that…
Using the following sentence opener, children to write their dream onto a cloud shape.
‘I dream that I will…’
Extra Challenge: Do you think the man will catch the star? Does this remind you of any other books you have read? Discuss. Can dreams be both good and bad? Discuss.
Cloud sheet

Session 2 Maths: Fluency Session
Powerpoint – Work through the powerpoint recapping the key skills of ‘days of the week’ and Number bonds. There are links to the following built into the powerpoint:
Days of the week song
Hit the Button game – for number bonds

Session 3: Please choose something from the wider curriculum section at the end of the blog

Daily Reading: Choose books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you are running out of books or are having difficulty in with accessing the site.


Daily Well being: Take notice – Feel your feelings with a collage picture

Daily Phonics and Spelling
Recap grapheme
wh  (when), making the /w/ sound 
Video here

Session 1- English Making predictions verbally using sentence starters and conjunctions
Learning Objectives: 
-I can make a prediction using knowledge of a text.
-I can use adjectives that describe feelings.
-I can use conjunctions to explain (that, if, because, when)
Watch a bit more of the story ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ pausing as “away he went again in his rocket” this time and make predictions.
Thought Tapping:
Children to pretend that they are on the planet all alone, walking around. Ask them to freeze frame and choose a word to describe how they feel from those given, e.g. lonely, unhappy, afraid, miserable, bored, frustrated. 
Now verbally create predictions with cause and effect conjunctions:
I think that he will … because the star is empty.
I predict that he is going to… if he feels ______.
I guess that he will… when he starts to feel ______.
Children to create these sentences orally using the words from their thought tapping. (No written recording).

Session 2 Main Maths Session
Learning Objectives:
-To add by counting on.
-To subtract by counting backwards.
-To add and subtract 1 and 2-digit numbers to 20.
Video – shows the children how to add and subtract using a numberline (if you would like to view the powerpoint used in the video it is here). There are also some question prompts in the corner of the slides for further discussion.
Practise Task:
Sheet – Use the number lines on the worksheet and make up a ‘first, then, now story’ The first story has been done as an example.
Reduced Challenge sheet Use the number lines on the sheet to solve addition and subtraction questions within 10. Draw attention to the +/- signs and check their understanding of these symbols. If your child is finding the concept of how to use a number line to solve these then please use physical objects to support them, such as counters, pasta pieces etc.
Extra Challenge:
Problem solving sheet to discuss with grown up for anyone that would like to stretch themselves. 

Session 3: Please choose something from the wider curriculum section at the end of the blog

Daily Reading:  Choose books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you are running out of books or are having difficulty in with accessing the site.


Daily Well being: Exercise – Cosmic Yoga Dinosaurs

Daily Phonics and Spelling:
New grapheme
tch  (catch), making the /ch/ sound 
Video here

Session 1 English: Design and describe a dinosaur.
Learning Objectives: 
-I can make a prediction using knowledge of a text.
-I can use my own knowledge to think about what dinosaurs could look like.
-I can use adjectives for description
Watch ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ up until ‘..who had laid hidden for hundreds of years’. Draw a picture of the dinosaur/s that are sleeping under the mounds of rubbish in the story. What do they look like? What are they called? Are they friendly or unfriendly? Add adjectives (describing words) like labels around the dinosaurs to show what they are like. See the ideas below.
Extra challenge: Talk about what you think will happen next in our story……

Session 2 Main Maths Session
Learning Objectives:
-To find related addition and subtraction facts.
-To recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations
Video – This is a lesson on related facts and fact families. In this lesson, they will work practically to find links between the addition and subtraction sentences. They will represent this on ten frames using small objects. They should recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.  (if you would like to view the powerpoint used in the video it is here).  
Practise Task:
Sheet – instructions on this sheet, you will need to use it in conjunction with this tens frame sheet below. Please note children can often find this inverse work (relating addition facts to subtraction facts) tricky so please don’t worry if they need support, especially at first.
Tens frame sheet
You will also need 2 different types of small counting objects that you have lots of (that will be small enough to fit in the tens frame). Suggestions: 2 types of pasta, sweets, buttons, pom poms etc (be creative!!)
Ask questions such as
-How many red / yellow counters?
-How many counters altogether?
-What are the two related addition calculations?
-What are the two related subtraction calculations?
-Will the addition calculations give the same answer? What about subtraction calculations?
Reduced Challenge
Sheet – same activity but focusing on numbers within 10. If your child is not ready to relate addition and subtraction yet. Please just focus on finding the addition number sentences to go with each picture, using the rule of commutativity (e.g. 2+3=5 so 3+2=5)
Extra Challenge:
Sheet – work out the missing numbers and then match each addition number sentence to its inverse

Session 3: Please choose something from the wider curriculum section at the end of the blog

Daily Reading:  Choose books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you are running out of books or are having difficulty in with accessing the site.


Daily Well being: Thursday – Keep learning – Choose a challenge from some of these ideas: Minute to win it (such as draw or write with the other hand, make a house of cards, pick up objects with your feet, learn a song with actions)

Daily Phonics and Spelling:
New grapheme
ir  (girl), making the /er/ sound 
Video here

Session 1 Writing – Write a simple set of instructions for the dinosaurs
Learning Objectives: 
– To write commands to give instructions.
– I can identify a command.
Watch ‘The Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ up to ‘Dancing dinosaurs broke up the roads.’ What do you think the dinosaurs would think of how the world looks now? What do you think they will want to do about it?
Discuss that the dinosaurs might want to clean up the world to make it beautiful again and that we are going to need to give them some instructions to do it.
Powerpoint on How to Write Instructions  – look at this together
Use sentence starters that children are already familiar with:
Discuss the sentences first and children to write them. Remember capital letters and full stops.****Please submit this piece to Google Classroom***

Session 2 Main Maths Session
Learning Objectives:
-To find related addition and subtraction facts.
-To recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations
Video – Children will be carrying on with inverse number sentences and fact families.Top tips:
-The whole is always the biggest number in the part part whole diagram 
-If they are finding the part part whole difficult try using counting objects instead or carry on reinforcing the tens frame method from yesterday.
Practise Task: ****Please submit this piece to Google Classroom***:
Houses Sheet –  The numbers in the roofs of the houses are effectively part part whole models. Do draw the lines between the parts and the whole if this helps your child. Use these numbers to fill in the fact families.Again, as was said yesterday this can be a difficult concept so do use counting objects and 2 tens frames to support them if needed.
Reduced Challenge
Sheet – Same activity but within 10. Do represent the numbers with objects if this helps.
Extra Challenge:

Session 3: Please choose something from the wider curriculum section at the end of the blog

Daily Reading:  Choose books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you are running out of books or are having difficulty in with accessing the site.


Daily Well being: Friday – Give – Listen to the author read Have you filled a bucket today?

Daily Phonics and Spelling:
Recap of the sounds (wh, ph, ir and tch) we have focused on this week and applying them
Video here

Session 1 Handwriting
Learning Objectives: 
-Use correct formation for letters.
-Read first 10 of 100 high frequency words.
– Recognise and spot new phonics learnt.

Phonics sheet here – Complete the sheet using some of the sounds looked at this week, wh ph ir and tch. At the bottom, complete the phoneme spotter.
Handwriting sheet here – Complete the handwriting either on a printed copy of sheet 1 or use your writing book to copy the words in and write each word 3 or 4 times using correct formation. These words are our high frequency words. Read them through before writing.
Watch the whole story now from beginning to end, ready for some more work about this book next week.
Video Here 

Session 2: Maths Fluency Session
Powerpoint – Work through the powerpoint recapping the key skills of ‘days of the week’ again and Number bonds. There are links to the following built into the powerpoint:
Days of the week song
Number fact families game – for number bonds (2 options of bonds to 10 or bonds to 20)

Session 3: Please choose something from the wider curriculum section at the end of the blog

Daily Reading –  Choose books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you are running out of books or are having difficulty in with accessing the site.

Wider curriculum activities

PE: Gymnastic Balances

Learning Objectives:
– I can perform a small range of skills and link 2 movements together
– I can perform a single movement or skill with control

Washing Machine game to introduce and practise different gymnastics positions
Game rules and how to play here

RE: The Qur’an

Learning Objectives:
-I know that the Qu’ran is a special book for the religion of Islam.
-I know that it helps Muslims live a good life and can discuss why it is important.

Remind children that last week we shared books which are special to them and their families.
Introduce the idea that different faiths have special books which are important to them. Remind children that the Bible is a special book for Christians and explain that for Muslims who are followers of Islam, the Qur’an is their special book. Show children a Qur’an if you can. Ask children to share any knowledge or experiences they might already have about the Qur’an. 
BBC Bitesize clip
Powerpoint: The Qur’an – talk this through emphasising the respect shown for the Qur’an, (it must not touch the ground, must be closed after reading etc) and who Muhammad is for Muslims.
Sheet ****Please submit this piece to Google Classroom***
Reduced Challenge: use cut and stick facts to complete the sheet and you can scribe their sentence.


Learning Objectives:
-I can identify some everyday materials
-I can identify some uses for everyday materials

This lesson is the start of a sequence on Everyday Materials which will teach your child about the uses of everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, glass, brick, paper and cardboard. Children then go on to compare the suitability of different everyday materials for different purposes. We also look at recycling and the effect we are having on the environment.
Powerpoint Everyday materials – to elicit children’s ideas about materials’ properties.
Activity: Complete the materials scavenger hunt (inside, outside or both) to find as many objects for each material as they can.
Extended challenge
: Can the children identify why materials are man-made and which occur naturally?
Reduced challenge: Draw a picture of the object. 


For the following session you can use an atlas if you have one or use this online tool: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/atlas
Discussion – What is an island? UK what does it stand for? What countries make up the UK? 
Introduce a map of UK or show in an Atlas. Start with the UK then show the countries that make up the UK. Point out that Scotland and Wales are attached but Ireland is an island. Then ask where do we live? Find Bristol on the map together. Ask children if they know the capital of the UK and find London together.
Talk about and find on the map where children have been to visit or on holiday or have relatives. (in future weeks we will plot these on the map so this is just discussion based)
Extension Introduce compass directions, London is SE, Bristol SW etc. Discuss whether the places you are plotting are urban or rural. Discuss the difference. 


Learning Objectives: 
– I can set a goal and work out how to achieve it
– I can tell you how I learn best
Our Garden of Dreams and Goals – powerpoint
Slide 1 – the Jigsaw Charter – try and discuss with your child why these rules are important
Slide 2 – In class we use the Calm Me script to make sure the children are focussed and ready to learn but you may not feel this is necessary at home. Slide 3 -Read the words of the song “For Me” and ask children what they think it means.
Tell Me / Show Me Set out four pieces of paper as stepping stones across the room. You will need a tray containing the items required to make a jam sandwich (bread, spread, jam, knife). Explain that the goal is to make a jam sandwich, and the pieces of paper on the floor are like stepping stones. Each one is a step towards the goal. Explain that a sandwich doesn’t suddenly appear, it has to be made, and making it is a step by step process. Make this a visual explanation by stepping from one piece of paper to the next but without giving the actual instructions. Ask your child what they think the four steps are for making the jam sandwich and allow some thinking time. Then invite your child to give you their instructions. Model each step by following the child’s instructions exactly and stepping on the ‘stones’ in turn. Make the sandwich according to their instructions. NOTE: Follow the children’s instructions even if they are in the wrong order to illustrate the importance of thinking carefully about the steps needed and their order. If they get it wrong, discuss why they think it went wrong and what they could do differently emphasising that it can be helpful to make mistakes because that’s how we learn.
If your child struggles to get the steps, model the correct ones.
Let Me Learn Discuss how you learned to make a jam sandwich. Was it listening to instructions, watching someone else, doing it yourself or a mix? Do they know how they like to learn?
Reduced Challenge: Work together to create the steps to make a jam sandwich and write them on the “stepping stones”. When complete mix up the order and then ask the child to put them back into the correct order for you.
Extension challenge: Write instructions to make a jam sandwich including numbered steps and using language such as first, then and finally.

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