Term 3 Week 2 Home learning

Our first few days of Lockdown 3 have been very productive, especially considering the short turn around that we all had. The children in our 2 Reception Pods in  school have settled into their new groups very well, made new friends  and have quickly got used to working with the wider Reception Team.  We enjoyed going for a walk or Bear Hunt in the frost and fog and have been busy practising our number skills inside and outside the classroom.

We have also had lots of amazing observations from the children who are working at home. Thank you to everyone for submitting these and for all your support. We will look forward to seeing what you all do next week. Please remember to try and send us one observation each day including those that we specify for Literacy and Mathematics.

Reception Home learning 

Our plans include:

  • Daily phonics and Number activities.
  • Literacy and Mathematics activities that we would like you to do and submit observations of. These will be highlighted for you. 
  • Daily wellbeing and physical activities.
  • A  range of activities covering all the other curriculum areas. We may sometimes identify which ones we would like an observation of.

Here is a suggested timetable for this week  to help you plan your work time. You can of course swap it round to suit your day.  Please use it in conjunction with the planning notes and instructions below.

Monday morning – Watch the Monday message to the class from your class teacher that will have been emailed to you through Schoolcomms this morning. 

Alot of our work this week is linked to the ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ story so please read the book again or watch it here. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

This weeks Learning:


Never giving up

Learning Objective: I can tell you about a time I didn’t give up until I achieved my goal. 

Remind children of the ELLI Tortoise who keeps on trying.

Ask children to think of something they have done that they found tricky to start with but with practice and never giving up they managed to do it. Provide a couple of examples like learning to walk, riding a bike. Tell them about a challenge you persevered with.

Questions: What have you found tricky to do? How did you manage to do it? 

Book : The Jungle Run by Tony Mitton

Daily wellbeing

There will be 5 suggestions for wellbeing activities each week, based on the NHS idea of “Five to Thrive”: 

  1. Connect (Keeping in touch and taking time to talk to others)
  2. Take notice (Mindfulness and feelings)
  3. Exercise (Short fun active)
  4. Keep learning (Try something new; challenges; resilience)
  5. Give (Kindness and thankfulness)

This week:

Monday – Connect – Mrs Brand reads “ The Invisible String”  about how we’re always connected to those we love. Post a card to a friend or family member:  Ideas

Tuesday – Take notice – Feel your feelings with a collage picture

Wednesday – Exercise – Cbeebies Yoga

Thursday – Keep learning – Choose a challenge eg:  Minute to win it; Draw or write with the other hand; Make a house of cards; Pick up objects with your feet; Learn a song with actions

Friday – Give – Listen to the author read Have you filled a bucket today?

Communication and Language

There are lots of opportunities for speaking and listening throughout this weeks plans. 

When you are reading the Bear Hunt Story encourage your children to join in with all the repeated phrases and to use rhythm and expression. Make sure that they understand and can talk about what is happening at each stage of the story.  Introduce any new vocabulary and explain what it means. Eg What does ‘swishy swashy mean? When doing the mathematics and Writing Bear Hunt activities encourage the children to use the new vocabulary that they have learnt.

Encourage your children to have a go at saying as much of the rhyme as they can by themselves. Maybe sharing it with another member of the family. It would be great to see a video of this!


Learning Objective; Experiments with different ways of moving.

Enjoy Joe Wicks video’s or similar each day.  Joe Wicks is beginning a new series of PE with Joe which will be streamed on his YouTube Channel at 9.00 am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting on Mon 11th January

PE. As explorers we will be thinking about how we can travel over, under, through, in front of, beside, and behind things. You could do this inside or outside. Building on last week’s adventure we will be extending the positional language while directing children around. Pretending to be winter explorers use the simple directions of left, right, forward and backwards, combined with the instructions above. If your child looks at the back of their hands with fingers together and thumbs pointing out the left hand makes a capital ‘L’ shape, this should help them navigate your instructions. Repeat as owls, bears or snakes!

Learning Objective; Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed.

Additional extra. Support your child to write a word. There are some ideas below. Please encourage good pencil grip as good habits learnt now will support them further up the school. 

  • on the shopping list or 
  • to write a name for their toy. 



This week we are asking if you continue to recap all of the phonemes and tricky words that we have learnt so far. You can access the ‘sound grid’ and a copy of our ‘tricky word’ list here.  Please do this at least once a day.

We will be learning 3 new digraphs this week  sh, ch and th

Please click on the links above to watch the phonics videos recorded by St Peter Church of England Primary school. Henleaze Infant School works closely with this school through our phonics hub.  Children will need a whiteboard and pen or pencil and paper. 

Please also introduce these 3 new tricky words to your children all, are and my. Talk to your children about why they are tricky words (because they can not be blended) and they need to be learnt by sight. You could model putting the words into a sentence and ask them to put them into a sentence verbally. 

Daily Reading

Please continue to support your child with our online ‘Bug Club’ reading scheme. Teacher’s will assign your child to different sets of books. It is really important to talk to your children about what they are reading, ask them about the characters, what is happening, what do you think will happen next? If you can, encourage your child to use expression when they read to help support prosody with different texts. 


This week we will be focusing on our story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Firstly, read the story and get familiar with the beginning, middle and end. We are going to make our own story maps of the story.  This should be done in their writing books – Please use the next blank double page which will be after the lined pages.

Please send us a photograph and observation of this activity.

  • Start by ordering the story in the right sequence. You can click here for Bear Hunt Sequencing cards  if you want some support or you could draw your own pictures.
  • Once you have put it in the right order, Ask your child to draw their own  map of the story. See the examples below. They can draw arrows to show the next stage of the story.
  • Once they have drawn their map ask your child to have a go at using the phonemes that they can hear to write descriptive words underneath their pictures  e.g. swishy swashy grass or big dark cave. Remember to encourage your children to write phonetically and not copy the words. e.g. Swishi, swoshi  /   undu / ovu / froo
  • If your child finds hearing the phonemes tricky see if they can write the Initial sound (first sound) in the word or only label a couple of the pictures using one word e.g. mud. 

Here are some examples of a story map:

Please encourage your child to use the correct tripod grip throughout the writing session and again please refer to our ‘Everytime We Write’ poster before you start any writing activity.

  • Find a copy of a letter formation sheet here to help support your child’s writing.

Please remember children are unlikely to get the right spelling, finger spaces or every sound. Encourage children to use their stickability like the tortoise!



  • Please practise recognising numerals from 0 – 10 (or to 20 if your child recognises all numerals to 10) 
  • Practise putting numerals in order and identifying which number is 1 more and 1 less.  
  • Use objects such as pasta, buttons, lego bricks to practise counting out objects carefully form a larger amount. Count up to 10, then up to 20.

Monday – Use a teddy bear to play a Simon Says type game using positional language. Eg ‘Simon Says put your bear under the table.’

Tuesday –  Please send us an observation of this activity.

Read the Bear Hunt Story again . On a large piece of paper (Eg the back of some old wallpaper) draw a map of the story.  Make drawings of the family (or your family) or use  some small world toys  ( eg Duplo or lego people) to travel around the map using the positional and directional vocabulary from the story. 

Wednesday –  See Writing activity

Thursday –  Bears counting activity / Winter number matching activity  from the Home Learning folder. Please also look at the number formation sheet.

Bear counting activity

Winter counting activity

Friday – Winter addition activity  also from the Home Learning folder.

Write the number sentence under each calculation.

Winter addition activity

Understanding the World 

People and Communities 

Learning Objective; Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life.

Talk to your child about different types of explorers for example in the rain forest, in space, up mountains and in caves. 

The World  

Learning Objective; Can talk about some of the things they have observed. Developing an understanding of changes over time. 

  • Make your own Bear Hunt scene or a wintery activity scene.  Using small world toys such as animals or  you could draw these together, your child can cut them out and move them around an imagined wintery scene drawing on some of the knowledge they picked up from last week. Ideas could include seasonal language and imagined places. For example snow, blizzard, frozen, sleet, icy, hail, hibernate, bear trees, caves, lakes and mountains. Optional extra. Challenge your child to use positional language to direct their characters.

Use Cbeebies programs to explore Winter.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/topics/winterL


Learning Objectives; Completes a simple program on a computer. Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software. 

Further resources

Cbeebies is free and has lots to stimulate young minds. https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies 

Teach Your Monster to Read is free under the current circumstances.

Khan Academy is also free.


Objects which remind us of special times.

Learning Objectives: Respond to pictures and artefacts and talk about how they feel.

Talk about times that are special to them and ask questions. Have a look at these pictures

Which special times do you remember and can you think of special objects we use? How do you feel when you see them?

Expressive Arts

  • Can you think about all the different places that the family went on a ‘Bear Hunt’, the long wavy grass, the deep cold river, thick oozy mud, a dark forest, a snowstorm and a gloomy cave. What type of materials might you use to represent each part of the story? Maybe some strips of green paper for the grass or bubble wrap for the snow storm. Can you create your own bear hunt collage to represent each part of the story. Here are some examples from last year:

Please send us an observation of this activity.

  • Listen to the song Brown Bears Snoring again. Brown Bear’s Snoring Can you join in this time? Add some percussion using pots and pans.
  • Here is a dance session from Sadlers Wells. This family session is Goldilocks and The Three Bears. Why not have a go in your living room! 
  • Use some 2d shapes to make a bear, you could draw around different objects to make the different parts of the bear e.g. drawing around a cup for a circle head.  There is an example in the Home learning folder for you to look at.

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