- Our WOW day is on Tuesday 4th May 2021. We are inviting children to dress up as an animal or an explorer.
- We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they need a waterproof coat each day.
Week 2 celebrations
The children have loved rewriting the Owl Babies story this week. We have been amazed by their use of vocabulary in their stories. Each class had a computing session where they focused on developing their typing skills. We have set a few typing ‘2Do’s’ on Purple Mash so that your child can continue to develop these skills at home with you. If you don’t know your child’s log in details, please contact your class teacher via the class email address.
Star of the week
Class 7 – Joseph
Class 8 – Dylan
Class 9- Betty May
Week 3
WOW day
On the WOW day, every child is going to plant their own seed. We are going to keep a diary of the plants as they grow. As a whole class, we are also going to plant some seeds for an experiment. The four pots will have different conditions:
- No light (in the cupboard)
- No water (windowsill)
- Light and water (windowsill)
- No light and no water (cupboard)
The children will predict which one will grow the best and give a reason to say why.
We are also going to be going on a site walk to catagorise the plants within the school grounds. We will look at the characteristics of plants and look at their similarities and differences.
The children will study three artists; Heni Fantin-Latour, Georgia O’Keefe and John Dunstall. They will compare the styles of the artists and choose one to inspire their own observational drawings of bouquets of flowers.
On our WOW day, the children are planting seeds. We are going to be looking at the seed packets in our English sessions to identify imperative verbs. The children will then design and make their own seed packet using imperative verbs.
In whole class reading, we will be looking at Jack and the Beanstalk. We will focus on making inferences by using the text and our background knowledge.
Focus spellings: child, wild, climb, old, gold, cold, hold, told, children, plant
This week we are revisiting adverbs and spelling some common exception words that we have not yet consolidated when writing longer pieces.
This week we are consolidating our knowledge of addition. We will be making connections between related number facts, for example: 1+9=10, 11+9=20 and 21+9=30. As well as the relationship between number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 100. Finally we will be adding 2 and 1 digit numbers crossing 10 using partitioning numbers into their number bonds to help us. Or Example 25+7=, partition the 7 into 2 and 5, adding the 5 first to make 3 and then adding the 2.
This week the children will be looking at a variety of food and considering which food gives their body the best form of energy.
We will be looking at different signs and symbols associated with the Christian church and talk about what happens in a church.
The children will continue to practice standing and rolling a ball down to their toes and back up then around their upper body using two hands.
Please click here to access the planning if you are self isolating.