Year 1 Learning Week 3 Term 5



  • A four day week! Monday 3rd is a Bank Holiday
  • During week 5 we will be filming our production of ‘The Litter Muncher’ that we will then send you details of how you can watch. During this week we will need your children to wear their own clothes as citizens of Lazy Daisy Village! We will send more information nearer the time.
  • Remember to click the link to plans and resources below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.

Year 1 Learning Week 3, Term 5– Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

Daily Well Being Activities

Tuesday – Take notice – Try this Relaxation activity
Wednesday – Be active –
Lion on the loose exercise
Thursday – Try something new
– Challenge: in a team, try to pass a small ball from one to another using a plastic spoon.
Friday – Give – Teach your partner how to do something … do up a zip, tie a bow, draw a dragon, build a spaceship…


Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Revision of Phase 5a and introduction of Phase 5b Phonics:
Teach Phase 5b – alternative pronunciations ea  (eat, bread)     er (farmer, her)     a (hat, what)     y  (yes, by, very)

Look at words using suffixes – er and ed.
Additional Phonics:
Phase 5a revision Flash cards, BLENDING and SEGMENTING every day. Precision teaching where required for individuals.
Spelling: Words using phonics from above, what, by, my, very,
And… Key Words: better, number, pulled, looked,  Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday
Reading Only Key Words: cold, told, baby, river, thing/s, think
 word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective

Writing: Composition –
Session 1  Word Level Writing – Adjectives for Brunel
Learning objectives:
– I can use vocabulary appropriate to the subject matter.
– I can use adjectives for description and effect.

Work through the Brunel Powerpoint and use knowledge from reading in previous session.. Look at the pictures of Brunel. Use the Brunel word mat if you wish, to help think about words to describe Brunel. From what you found out in the powerpoint, describe what he looked like and his personality from the clues in the things he did. Draw a picture of Brunel in the middle of a page and write the words around him. Remember just words, not sentences. 
Brunel Powerpoint
Brunel word mat

Session 2 Sentence Level – Create a Fact File about Brunel
Learning objectives:
–I can  use vocabulary appropriate to Brunel.
-I can independently include adjectives for description and effect.
-I can use the suffix ing  for my descriptions.
– Challenge: I can use a conjunction ‘and’ to join 2 thoughts together.

Did you learn anything new? Use your word level work to help you create a fact file. You can use 1 of the 3 sheets to write on or just in your book. There are 3 different levels. Choose 1.
Writing frame or sheets for filling in missing words

Reading: Whole Class Focus – Brunel Fact Sheets
Look at and read the examples of Fact sheets about Brunel. Teacher to make a list of key facts/words.

Simple Brunel Fact Sheet
Brunel Fact sheet 1
Brunel Fact Sheet 2

Individual Reading – Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with developing phonic knowledge and that do not require use of other strategies to work out words. Guided Reading Groups – Develop their comprehension skills and recording answers to questions.

Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. Books will be changed weekly  on specific days for your child.


Multiplication as repeated addition
Learning Objectives:
-To count in 2s, 5s and 10s
To make equal groups
To add equal groups
-To write repeated addition number sentences to represent adding equal groups

This is a repeated addition number sentence, where the groups are of equal size.

Can you count in 10s to find out how many?

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE PE session only this week
We will be practising dance routines for our Year 1 play The Litter Muncher.

Science-Scientific Investigation – Growing seeds in different conditions – Observations 1 week on
LO: I can plant a seed.
I can write about my investigation and record results
I can say a question we could ask about plants.
I can tell a way we could use our equipment to find out the answer. 

After a recap of last week’s experiment, look at the results and discuss what you can see. Can you draw a conclusion as to what conditions are necessary for a seed to grow? Record your observations and take photos for books. 

PSHE- Assessment Healthy Me
LO: I can tell you why I think my body is amazing and can identify some ways to keep it safe and healthy
I recognise how being healthy helps me to be happy
Recap all the ways we have learnt to keep ourselves safe. Complete the Keeping healthy timeline.

RE- Responding creatively to the world around us.
LO: Explore how we come to know the world around us.
Show they can use their creativity (unicorn) to show how they feel about the natural world.
Talk about what they find interesting or puzzling
Remind the children of last week and the 5 senses we were discussing and experiencing. Choose either the visual artist’s response to nature  ppt or the composer’s musical response in Vivaldi’s 4 seasons. Children to create their own response with Art or music.

Stars of the Week

Link to Star of the Week Assembly

Class 4 Henry

Class 5 Yahya

Class 6 Millie

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