Term 6 Week 1


  • Welcome to Term 6! 
  • This term will be split into 2 parts:  Animalia and Journeys
  • We hope you enjoyed our production of ‘The Litter Muncher’. We had lots of fun putting it together and it was nice to beagle to watch it in our classes, a treat we would not normally have whilst performing it!

  • On Friday of this week we will be taking part in our whole school celebration of 150 days in school this year with a special day. An email has already been sent to you with this information and about the home challenge. Here is a copy of the home challenge part of that email…

We are asking for your support in enabling your child to come to school with one thing you can find at home that represents 150. Some examples include:

  • A top trumps card with ‘150’ on it
  • £1.50 (150p)
  • An item that is 150cm tall
  • Something that weighs 150g
  • A book with 150 pages
  • 150th anniversary booklet or book.
  • Remember to click the link to plans and resources below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.

Year 1 Learning Week 1, Term 6– Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

To watch the Week 1 whole-school assembly with Mrs Fricker click here

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Whisper a message and pass it round the circle
Tuesday – Take notice – Calm down – Bring it down
Wednesday – Be active – Cha Cha slide dance
Thursday – Try something new – Read through the Brave poem poster
Friday – Give – Read the Starfish story


Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Mastery of Phase 5c Phonics (See daily phonics powerpoints).

Teach and Revise  Phase 5c – alternative spellings for phonemes 

ai     c     ee     ch    igh

Look at Real and Nonsense Words using skills of Blending and Segmenting
Additional Phonics:
Phase 3 and  5a revision Flash cards, BLENDING and SEGMENTING every day. Precision teaching where required for individuals.

Reading: rain, circus, sleep, children, night 
Spelling: one, two, three, four, children, could, called, should, there, their

Vocabulary:  word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun

Writing – Composition
Session 1:Children to ‘free’ write about their holiday news. Children to talk to talking partners first about what they did. What was their favourite part and why?

Session 2 : Talk about rhyming words. Look at power point. What do we notice about where the phonemes are in the word that sound the same? (ie, the ending). Children to make lists in their books of rhyming words for 4 different endings.

Session 3 : Use their banks of rhyming words to form sentences. Complete some sentences on the board but miss out key words for them to fill in as they copy from board then make some up on their own.

Whole Class Reading – Nonfiction Focus – ‘Animals All Around’
This book will be revisited when we look at the classification of animals.
Various activities about different animals in the book and their life cycles. How are they the same/different to that of the butterfly? Comprehension tasks based around information about life cycles.
Individual Reading – Fully decodable books at the level of the children so that they are able to develop fluency. 
Guided Reading Groups – Focus on Nonfiction and how information is accessed easily from an information book, using the contents and index pages.

Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. Books will be changed weekly  on specific days for your child.


– Place Value and More and Less~
Learning Objectives: 
To count to 100 forwards from 0 or any number.
To count to 0 backwards from 100 or any number.
Accurately represent numbers to 100 with pictorial representations.
To find 1 more/less within 100.
Given a number 0-100, identify ten more or one less.

Friday – Whole School 150 Day

Sharing things brought in from home representing 150. Special Assembly. Then children to complete  Pupil voice questionnaire.Read Text: ‘Ready, Set 100th Day’. Use lolly sticks (150) to put into groups and write addition number sentences fo 150. Explode a number!ELLI Time: Activities Outside and In the classroom based around 150 and number. 

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Session
Jasmine- Outdoor Games – Agility and Response and preparation for skills for Sport’s Day

RE – Why is our world Special?
Why do we care for our world? (Faiths + worldviews) Share the PPT .Scribe children’s thoughts and questions for your class.

Introduce the caterpillars to the class! Talk through how these caterpillars had started as eggs and how we are going to observe the next stages in their life cycles. Verbally compare to the life cycles of humans and other animals that they know already.

LO: Use a range of textures and paint to create a 3d image.
Children to work in groups to produce each part of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use colour and texture, using a wide range of materials to recreate the different stages. All of the completed stages to be put together around hoops to create a whole class display. Children to add labels.

Class 4  Alice
Class 5  Teddy
Class 6  Olly and Class 6 won the Class cup!

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