Term 6, Week 1

Welcome back to term 6! Can you believe that this is your last term in Reception! We hope that you have had a lovely break and enjoyed all the sunshine. Fingers crossed the nice weather stays with us for this term. Our topic this term continues to be ‘In the Garden’ and we are looking forward to seeing how much everyone’s plants have grown over the holiday, so don’t forget to  return them to school on Monday! Our main focus this term moves onto learning about minibeasts which is always a very popular topic!

Observation Challenge 

Thank you to everyone who is submitting observations for our weekly challenge! They are an important way of sharing learning between home and school and will all be added to your child’s learning profile. This week our challenge is linked to our mathematics learning. We would love to see examples of repeating patterns using objects from around your home or garden. 


Whole school Maths Day  – Friday 11th June

You will have received an email about this day at the end of last term.  

Please can all children bring one thing you can find at home that includes numbers. 

Eg: A Top Trumps card, A book about numbers, A ruler , A number jigsaw puzzle   …….

PE Kit

Please remember to send children in their PE kit on the days that they have PE lessons:

Class 1 – Monday

Class 2 – Wednesday

Class 3 – Friday.

They should also wear their PE kit if they are going to Shine clubs after school.

Reading Books

Children should now be bringing their book bags (reading folders) to school every day. We will give all children a new book on Monday and all the books will be collected in again on Friday to be quarantined over the weekend. This enables us to have enough books for everyone the next week.

Usually your child will have the same book all week to develop their fluency, expression and comprehension skills. Occasionally this book may be changed during the week after reading in school. Please remember that you still have access to all the books on the Active learn ‘Bug Club’ .

This week’s Learning 

The full plans are available here if you are isolating at home for week 1.

To watch the Week 1 whole-school assembly with Mrs Fricker click here


Our Jigsaw session this week is the first in our theme of “Changing me” and we will be naming parts of the body.

We will also continue to do daily wellbeing activities.

Communication and Language

This week we will be reading the poems in the book ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ and joining in with rhythm and expression. We will clap the rhythm and syllables of the minibeast names. Mad About Minibeasts by Giles Andreae


Gross motor skills: We are going to use agility and strength as we explore the trim trail and log climber in the big playground. We will be practising being kind as we wait for a turn and offer words of encouragement and support to friends.



This week we will be recapping all sounds and tricky words up to phase 4. We will be using this to write captions during phonics. We will also be focusing on spelling tricky words. 

Tricky words : when, what, out. 


This week we will be reading with the children 1:1 or in small guided reading groups.

Please remember to try and read with your child for 10 minutes every day.


This week we will be writing about what we did over half term.


We are continuing to learn all about numbers to 20:

  •  Recognising and writing the numerals
  •  Ordering numerals to 20
  •  Counting to 20 and back down from 20
  •  Knowing one more and one less to 20
  • Counting objects to 20 in different ways.
  • Calculating addition and take away number stories.

This week we will be revisiting 2D and 3D shapes and using them to make repeating patterns.  Also on Friday we will be taking part in the whole school Number Day.

Understanding the World

The World 

We will be watching our growing caterpillars and children will be sharing everything they know about minibeasts to start our new topic. 


We will be continuing our unit looking at the question “How should we live our lives?” by learning about Jesus and his importance to Christians.

Expressive Arts

This week we will be drawing and painting a picture of our favourite minibeasts. We will also be learning a song about ‘The Tiny Caterpillar.’

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