Year 2 Term 1 Week 3


  • WOW Day Monday 13th September, children can dress up in anything Knight and Castle themed! No weapons please.

Subject specific information:


This week the children are writing a recount of our WOW day as well as recapping adjectives to improve the quality of their writing. We will be introducing a purple pen for spotting marvelous mistakes and editing our work. We will also be learning to identify nouns and using them in noun phrases. 

Reading book updates: children will soon be receiving reading records for you to fill in at home. Please ensure these are brought in with their reading books everyday. We will do a quick check on Mondays to see how your child is engaging with reading at home.  We use our own systems in school to comment on progress in reading. Each week children will take home 2 levelled reading books and 1 reading for pleasure book (from either the class or school library), for you to read to them. All children in Year 2 will change their books on Mondays, but will have additional opportunities to change their levelled reading books throughout the week if needed. We expect the children to read each levelled book 2-3 times each, to ensure fluency and understanding. We assess the children regularly to ensure they are on the correct reading level. 


In maths this week we will be using the language ‘more than’, ‘less than’, ‘greater than’, ‘fewer’’ and ‘equal to’  to compare concrete resources and numbers. As well as considering the different ways we can represent number in place value charts.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)

Please remember that our WOW day is on Monday 13th September 2021. We are inviting the children to dress in clothes of the theme ‘Dragons, Knights and Castles’.

On our WOW day the children will create foraged nature crowns which they will then wear to their lunchtime ‘banquet’. Please do not bring anything in addition to their usual lunch choices. Other activities include dragon ice egg experiments in science, building castles in a construction challenge and creating a collaborative piece of dragon art. 

Religion and World Views

In R + WV the children will be learning about celebratory life milestones, working collaboratively in groups to discuss, sort and order pictures. 


In PSHE the children will be discussing back to school worries and how they can work together to alleviate these.

Here are some recommended texts to support further discussion at home:


For our Wow day the children will be creating portraits of themselves in costume, using oil pastels. They will be enjoying Medieval music and learning different styles of dancing. They will also be creating Medieval castles using clay.

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