Welcome to Year 1

A very warm welcome to Year 1!

We are really looking forward to the new school year, starting on Monday, September 6th. We have worked really hard in school to create a safe but very much an inviting, creative and fun environment for our children to have the best learning experience.

Year 1 meeting

This blog post contains the important information for starting this year. There will be an opportunity if you have any further questions about the start of this new year, then there will be a meeting on the Class4/5 patio on

Thursday 16th September at 3:00-3:20pm.  

Start and Ends of the Day

There will no longer be a  staggered start to the day. All doors will open at 8:50 am with registers completed by 9:00am. We finish school at 3:30pm.The children will need to be dropped off and collected from their classroom patio door. This is paramount in managing risk and we ask that you still keep distance and keep your children close to you as you wait on the patios. Please let your class teachers know if you have different pick up people throughout the week and if your child will be attending any clubs or after school club on certain days. If the person picking up changes during a school day then please call the office as we can not always pick up our class emails through the school day.


The designated days for PE for each class are listed below in the noticeboard.
Each class will have 2 sessions of PE each week. Your child’s PE kit can now remain in school in a named drawstring bag on their peg. The PE uniform is a white t-shirt and black shorts. They will also need a change of appropriate footwear, trainers or pumps. All of these also need to be named. We ask that you take some time to support your child with changing out of their school uniform at home to practice their independent changing for school. This will be the first time they will be changing in school as the guidelines have changed. Make sure fastenings etc. are easy for them to undo on their PE days.


The children will have the same choices as their Reception year.
The children can have:

  • A Packed lunch brought from home in a wipeable, named box.
  • A packed lunch option of ham, tuna or cheese wraps with fruit and biscuit/cake/flapjack (provided by school).
  • A hot meal (provided by school). We will send home a printed copy of the weekly menus on Monday with your child.

Please can you help your child by making sure they know what they are doing for lunch each day.

Anger at packed lunch ban in 'healthy' school | UK | News | Express.co.uk

What to bring

Please try to keep your child’s bag small as there is not a lot of space for big rucksacks. They will need their Named PE kit bag that will stay in school and a named Book Bag to be brought in each day.

Henleaze Infant Red PE Bag

Children are also asked to bring in a named water bottle and piece of fruit each day. We will ask the children to keep these in a bag on their peg as we will not be using any communal boxes straight away.
Milk may be ordered. Please get details from the school office on how to order milk.

Our topic and learning 

Our topic this term is ‘Beegu and ME!’ We will share more with you about the topic over these early weeks on this blog page. Each week you will also find information here about the week’s learning. We shall also post on here other relevant information of up and coming events on the noticeboard section  and Star of the Week etc.

More information about our teaching and learning for the year and expectations for the curriculum and assessments (including the Year 1 Statutory Phonics Screening)  will which we will invite you to shortly. More information will follow on the exact date, time and  format and running of this evening nearer the time.


We will continue with our online reading provision to start the term using our Pearson subscription. We will use a mixture of this and books in school too. You will be able to carry on with the login you have. If you need a reminder of this please ask your teacher. Your child will also bring home 2 reading books each week, 1 book for sharing from our class or school library during the first few days. These should come into school each day and will be changed weekly. A log book will come home during the following week for you to record home reading with your child. The log book will  include some information about how to fill in the book and guidance. This will be discussed further at our Curriculum Meeting later in the term. Please allow us sometime to settle your children in and we will look to move any children to new book bands when appropriate.  Later we will also send home a ‘Sounds and Keywords’ book for your child to write down   the sounds and keywords that will also be  written on the blog weekly. This book will provide a place to record each week’s sounds and keywords and the focus is first to read these and then to spell them. More information will follow as we start this in their third week.   

15 Exciting and Fun Reading Games & Activities for Kids

Year 1 WOW day

We will be having a WOW day in Year 1 to help kickstart our new topic. We will invite the children to dress in clothes showing what they might want to be when they are older or just clothes that they feel special or comfortable in. We will be looking at ourselves and what makes us special. To follow guidance we ask that children do not bring in large props or masks. Our WOW day will be on:

Monday 13th September


The first couple of weeks will be all about helping your children to settle in and learn the new routines of Year 1.

Below you will find our more usual weekly format of our blog, including a summary of the learning week by week for each subject.


  • Remember that Friday this week is an INSET day and the school will be closed to pupils.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions..  
  • Days for PE:

                  Class 4 – Wednesday and  Thursday

                  Class 5 – Monday and Tuesday

                  Class 6 – Wednesday and Thursday

*Please note that during this first week there will just be one session of PE.

  • Our email addresses follow the same format as in Reception. Just change the number of the class accordingly. E.g.
  • We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect Who will you be a friend to today?
Tuesday – Take Notice
Sit really quietly – what can you hear?
Wednesday – Be Active
If you’re Happy and you know it KS1 Wake up, wake up song
Thursday – Keep Learning
What are you going to challenge yourself to do in this new school year?


Revisit Phase 4 Phonics. (Revision of last year)

Blending to read words containing adjacent consonants and digraphs :
ch  sh  th  qu  ai   oa  oi   ur

Keywords Revision : have   said
Plurals: Adding s and es

Writing a simple dictated sentence.
Write about something special from the holidays. Share verbally first.
Handwriting – Forming the letters in our names correctly and making labels.

Read individually and receive reading books to take home.


Writing our numerals and ordering numbers to 20.
Correctly form digits.
Maths games and activities inside and outside.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games

PSHE – New Beginnings
Introduce Year 1 Routines
Introduction to outside provision and expectations.
Establish class rules and create an agreed charter together.

Exploring the ELLI animals
Art – Creative Unicorn – Use a variety of media to create a picture of their own choosing.
D&T – Busy Bees -Work in teams of three to create a model of a bee.
Circle Time – Spider – Work as a class to create connections between Reception and Year 1.
Curious Cats – Explore the inside and outside environments to access resources independently.

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