Year 1 Learning Term 3, Week 7


This Monday 14th February, Year 1 ‘Word for our Learning Day’. We are really looking forward to what you come up with!
Friday  18th February –  Non-uniform day. Please bring in a donation for FHIS and Whole School 100 Day (See Below)
Last Day of Term 3

Whole School 100 Day- This Friday
We are asking for your support in enabling your child to come to school with one thing you can find at home that represents 100. Some examples include:

  • A top trumps card with ‘100’ on it
  • £1 (100p)
  • An item that is 100cm tall
  • Something that weighs 100g
  • A puzzle with 100 pieces
  • A book with 100 pages
  • 100th anniversary booklet
  • As this date is the final day of Term 3, it will be a non-school uniform day. Your child could wear a piece of clothing representing 100.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 
  • We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Term 4 Begins: Monday 28th February 2022

Fundraising - World Book Day

World Book Day

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day! To celebrate this day which acknowledges the importance of reading for pleasure, we have some exciting events for you to join in with:

  • Dress up as your favourite book character!
  • Bring in a printed photo of you reading a book that makes you smile (please make sure we can see the cover). If there is special meaning behind your story e.g. a family favourite or one that reminds you of a special time or event, please feel free to bring in a short explanation to share. 

Thank you for all your support this term. You have all been amazing. Please keep safe and have a good break.
A link to plans and resources if you are needing to self-isolate can be accessed HERE.

To watch this week’s whole-school assembly click here.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Read a story and stop to ask how the characters are feeling
Tuesday – Take Notice-  Close your eyes and imagine you’re in your favourite special place. What can you hear/ see/ feel/ smell?
Wednesday – Be Active – Hip hop dance
Thursday – Keep Learning – Tell us about something you have learned to do this term
Friday – Give – 
Share 100 smiles through the day


Text: ‘Ready, Set 100 Day’
Phonics: Phase 5a – Mastery
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.

Revisit GPC   u-e (as in ‘flute’)   (oo, ue, ew)  u-e (as in ‘cube’)  (ue, ew)
Revisit suffixes  ing, er, ed, s, es  and prefix  un

Session 1 : Write their word on a label and a brief definition of what it means. These to be used next to a picture of themselves to be displayed.
Session 2:  Children will have words from yesterday on tables. Choose a word and write a sentence with it in. 
Session 3:  Group work- how many different words can you think of for each word? (big, little, happy, sad, angry)
Session 4- Handwriting: Focus on correct letter formation to practise writing some of the common exception words that have been taught this term.

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Session 1: Think about the vocab learnt in this term’s Maths. Link symbols to vocab.
Session 2: General recap of this term’s learning based on place value using concrete resources. Tasks will be specific to each class’s needs – driven by last week’s assessment information
Session 3:  Building on yesterday this lesson continues our recap of place value pictorially and with number sentences. Tasks as yesterday.
Session 4: Place value reasoning and word problems. This lesson will allow children to apply their knowledge and use it to solve problems.

Friday, 18th February 2022  – Whole school daily count planning – 100 Day (Friday) 
Session 1:
Read or watch story: Ready, set 100th day of school. Click here to watch the story.  
Explain to the children that we are going to be celebrating reaching 100 on our daily count. 
Children show each other and discuss what they brought into school from home. Write a caption to go alongside a photo of themselves explaining what they brought in to share.

Assembly Assembly slides

Session 2:
Whole school investigation: How can you group 100 items? E.g. 2 groups of 50, 10 groups of 10, 20 groups of 5 etc. 
This session allows for lots of practical work using lolly sticks (each class will have 100). Practical, pictorial and writing repeated addition number sentences on A3 paper using coloured pens (working in groups) e.g. 50 + 50 = 100

Session 3:
Combined with class ELLI time, also opportunities to:

  • Making artwork with 100 items 
  • Creating own number squares up to 100
  • If you had £100, what would you buy?
  • How far can you run in 100 seconds?
  • What is 100cm tall?

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session 
Jasmine PE– Real Gym lesson 6. Continue with shapes and increase extension challenge.


Look at Lego and who invented it. Why was plastic chosen? Why was it so unique? Research the person and the product. Look at the Lego website about it’s history.

Link to website Includes a short video to watch showing the progression from wood to plastic use for the company.

Art – Line Drawings. Take your pen or pencil for a walk!
Performance of last week’s compositions of retell of Little Red Riding Hood. Use annotations to remind each group of their composition. What was it good to write down their music and how they wish to perform and the instruments they are using?
PSHE  Assessment of the unit.

Reading Stars – Bronze Awards

Class 4 – Kofi and Sam
Class 5 – Tom, Billy, Jiaan, Jasper
Class 6 – Audrey, Edie, Noah Barry

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Class 4 – Sam
Class 5 – Amelia
Class 6 – Edie

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