Year 1 Learning Term 5, Week 1

Thank you so much for your support and audience skills for our performance. As we are sure you will agree, the children really did enjoy themselves, and despite our cast never really being the same twice for most of our rehearsals they did such an amazing job – Well done Year 1.

We would also like to celebrate all the wonderful decorated eggs that were brought in and the fantastic rolling skills of our children! We had lots of fun, despite it getting a little smelly towards the end!!


  • School Opens for Term 5 : Monday 25th April
  • ****We need newspapers for this first week of Term 5 . Please bring in any you have. Thank you****
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Give your friend verbal  instructions of how to draw a hot air balloon on their whiteboard.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Tell me how you feel sheets
Wednesday – Be Active – Fun Spring Dance workout
Thursday – Keep Learning – Talk through these Resilience cards together. Colour in a set to remind you.
Friday – Give – 
Tell your partner what you are thankful for about school.


Phonics: Phase 5c
Information for Sounds and Words Books:
Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.

Teach alternative spellings of phonemes: /ch/ (as in picture), /ch/ (as in catch), /j/ (as in fudge), /m/ (as in lamb) 
Grammar: Suffix ing (without changing root)
Keywords for Spelling: don’t,  here, saw,  about, came, very, your, make, put , Oh

Writing: Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun
Session 1: Labelling 3 diagrams of different types of bridges on the first page of a  booklet. 
Session 2: Exploring the different parts that make up a bridge and what their purpose is. Turn verbs into their progressive form using the suffix -ing. Use these words to make sentences to describe what each part does for the bridge.
Session 3 & 4: Description of their Bridges with a photo to create a fact page on the final page of the booklet. Includes factual sentences, materials and any extra information. 
Session 5- Handwriting:
Focus on correct letter formation to practise keywords.

Reading: Focus: Non- Fiction Texts. Use a contents and Index page. How are these books laid out differently to fiction?

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Introduction to Multiplication –   Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and doing this as repeated addition.

Wider Curriculum

PE-  SHINE Outside Games Session – Skills for athletics

Jasmine PE Physical Manipulation e.g. throwing and catching Coordination- sending and receiving

R+WV First session in our new unit: Why is our world special? Experiencing the world around us using our senses and explaining how we feel about it.

Music Key Learning Objective: To explore sounds of the sea using voices and instruments

  • To know how to handle and make sounds on several instruments.
  • To choose sounds to represent ideas  e.g.: calm stormy sea
  • To play quietly or loudly to represent calm or stormy ocean

    PSHE Families – Learning about selves through various activities. Learning about the school values and acting upon these. Following class rules and understanding school values.
  • Session 1:Second page of their booklet – Their design for the bridge.
  • Session 2 : Building their bridges in groups and fair testing!
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(From last day of Term 4):
Class 4- Oisin
Class 5 – Billy
Class 6 – Dolly

Reading For The Stars

Bronze Award: 
Class 5 – Phineas
Class 4- Ernest

Silver Award: 
Class 6 – Audrey and Freddie
Class 5 – Oscar

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