Year 1 Learning. Term 1, Week 3

Queen Elizabeth's state funeral date announced

This week we will be having special assemblies, circle times in classes and looking again, following on from our Jubilee work last year, at her life. We shall also be talking about our new king,
King Charles III

Thank you to you all for helping to support your children in their return to school and to start Year 1 so positively last week. We all had an amazing first week. You played your part in supporting this. We could not have hoped for a better start to the year. We are all looking forward to the year ahead with your children.

Year 1 WOW day – This Monday, 12th September

We are inviting the children to dress in clothes showing what they might want to be when they are older or just clothes that they feel special or comfortable in.
We will be looking at ourselves and what makes us special.


  • Remember that Thursday this week, 15th September there is a brief meeting time just before pick up at 3pm – 3:20pm on the Year 1 patio. We will introduce the Year 1 team and answer any questions about the information given on our blog to welcome you to Year. More information about our Curriculum and our Learning this year will follow at a later date.
  • Children will change for their PE sessions so please make sure that children’s PE kits are in school on their pegs. They need a white T-shirt, black shorts and a change of shoes, pumps or trainers. Please make sure everything is named.
  • Your Child’s reading books will be changed weekly. Your child will be assessed on their phonics, informally to help aid our planning. Please be patient whilst we carry out these assessments and decide whether your child needs to move to a different reading level.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught this week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different between the 2 classes, but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions.  

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Advance warning:
Monday 19th September – Bank Holiday – Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
Monday 26th September is an INSET DAY. There will be no children in school.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Throw an imaginary ball (or a treat of your choice) to a friend and call out their name
Tuesday – Take Notice- Make a feelings wheel and move the pointer to show us how you’re feeling
Wednesday – Be Active – Try some Yoga poses
Thursday – Keep Learning – Tell us about a new toy or activity you have tried
Friday – Give –
What’s your favourite food?


Revision on Phase 3 and 4 Phonics (Taught in Reception): Completion of Phonics Assessments to be carried out
Revisit graphemes and CEWs already taught from phase 4. 

Teach  the adding of  suffixes: -s and -es and read by blending.  e.g.chairs  foxes  thinks  wishes
Blending for reading:  E.g thinks  dishes    flosses
Segmenting for spelling: E.g. chimps  speeches
Write a dictated sentence: E.g The tree had thick branches.

Handwriting: Using graphemes revisited in phonics and words using s and es for plurals. Complete a dictated sentence. Caterpillar Family Sheet
WOW DAY  – Write a caption to go with a picture from the WOW day.
ELLI WRITING – Write about the ELLI animal they feel most like when they are learning. Children are encouraged to write why they feel they work most like the animal they have chosen. All children will be encouraged to say each sentence out loud before writing it down. 
Curious Cats – Explore questions that we may have about ‘BEEGU’. Introduce the character but without reading the story. How do we finish a question? Look at the use of a Question mark.


Recall of addition facts within 4 (every day)
Counting forwards and backwards from any number within 20.
Fill in missing numbers on number line or number track.
Number recognition within 10 (and 20).
Physical counting out so many claps/jumps/stamps
Fast fingers

Learning Objectives:

  • Count, read and write numbers to 10 in numerals and words
  • To represent numbers to 10 in different ways, using objects and pictorial representations.
  • Count to 10, forwards and backwards beginning with 1 or 0 from any given number 
  • To count out objects accurately using 1:1 correspondence to 10 (and 20).
  • To compare numbers using the language greater than and less than and equal (as well as the symbols >, < and =)

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Jasmine PE – Fundamental Movement Skills: Footwork Patterns and One Leg Balance

PSHE – It’s Good to be Me!
I can identify the different styles of learning and how these can help me to learn (ELLI)
I know how to keep myself. Friends and grown ups safe – distance, handwashing, following our agreed rules.

R+WV – Religion and World Views  (Formally RE) – Who and what is special to me? –-Begin to understand what it means to belong within a family and a community;
Exploring people, places, experiences, feelings, stories, objects, beliefs, values
What groups do we belong to both in and out of school?

Art – Look at the work of three famous artists and use their inspiration to complete a self-portrait.

Exploring the ELLI animals:
Art – Tortoise – Using small pieces of coloured paper, create a shell for a tortoise using your patience and stickability.
Cats – Asking questions about the terms learning ahead and ‘Who is Beegu?’
D&T – Owl -Plan to make a model and discuss if the plan changed as they worked through the building.
Plan, Do and Review.

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Next week we will post our first Stars of the Week. Congratulations to everyone who shared their Summer Library Reading Challenges in our celebration assembly last week.
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