Year 1 Learning. Term 3, Week 3.

Active Travel Week 2023

As a school, we want to be really mindful of how we travel to and from school; protecting our environment through reduced vehicle emissions and increasing physical activity to further benefit health.

We launched our initiative last Friday, 13th January 2023. It was great to see so many children walking, scooting and cycling to school! It was great to give out so many badges to all those who participated.

We would love for you to continue your start to an active 2023 by trying to travel to school in an active fashion for the entirety of this week beginning 16th January 2023 for our Active Travel Week. Remember that if you live further away, please feel free to park at least 5 minutes away and walk, scoot or cycle the remainder of your journey. The children will receive a sticker for each day that they participate in our active travel week and if they manage to collect 5 stickers, they will receive a certificate in our celebration assembly on this Friday, 20th January.

If you have any questions please contact Miss Aviss via the Office.


  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being

Monday – Connect – Send a secret code letter to someone
Tuesday – Take Notice- Senses 5,4,3,2,1  Eg think of 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear etc.
Wednesday – Be Active –  Dinosaur stomp (loud)
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Feel your feelings


Text: ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’, By Michael Foreman

Phonics: Phase 5a – Mastery
Information for Sounds and Words Books:
Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in.
Focus GPCs: Revisit GPCs : aw wh ph   ue ( ew)  
CEW and words to read and spell: Mr   Mrs   have  crawl  phone  threw what  when  saw  was

Handwriting During  a class shared write session, write  a letter to local supermarkets about their use of plastic packaging and how they plan to reduce it and how they/promote their customers to  recycle. On paper, Children write out letters with correct formation. Follow the teacher on board for each line. Letters to be distributed to local supermarkets.
Day 1: As a class, talk through the setting of the story and the adjectives we have used to describe the story whilst re-reading the whole story through. Discuss the main 5 themes of the story.  Children then individually draw a story map of the story.Story retell planning. and write.
Day 2: Children retell the story using their maps. Use the ‘Factor of 5’to help support the retelling. Scaffolds where necessary.
Day 3: Children create a poster thinking about the ‘bad and good’ things about the environment used in the books. Label nouns (extending with adjectives) and use an apostrophe to show who the world belongs to.

During Whole Class Story Time: Share Gretta Thunberg’s book to help think about the resources/materials on our planet during story Times.

Read as part of a group. Use phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency. Main focus to think about comprehension and answering questions both verbally and recorded to show their understanding.
In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day, including Gretta Thunberg’s story and whole class ebook read-’A Place for Plastic’.


Session 1
To partition numbers within 100 into tens and ones.
To represent numbers to 100 in various ways.
To count to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 or any number
To read and write numerals to 100
In this session we will revisit tens and ones and how we can use apparatus to represent these. We will also begin exploring numbers to 100. 

Session 2
To partition numbers within 100 into tens and ones.
To represent numbers to 100 in various ways.
To count to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 or any number
To read and write numerals to 100
In this session we will revisit the important topic of place value and identifying the 10s and 1s in a number. This skill is fundamental to Maths progression.

Session 3
To partition numbers within 100 into tens and ones.
To represent numbers to 100 in various ways.
To count to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 or any number
To read and write numerals to 100
To identify odd and even number within 10
As part of a 2 day unit this lesson introduces odd and even numbers starting within 10. Teaching: even numbers can be shared equally between 2.

Session 4
To partition numbers within 100 into tens and ones.
To represent numbers to 100 in various ways.
To count to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 or any number
To read and write numerals to 100
To identify odd and even number within 10 [Exc or within 100]
Continuation from yesterday and progressing to numbers within 100. Looking for the patterns to help us quickly recognise odd and even numbers from the last digits.

Session 5
To partition numbers within 100 into tens and ones.
To represent numbers to 100 in various ways.
To count to 100 forwards and backwards from 0 or any number
To read and write numerals to 100
To identify odd and even number within 10 [Exc or within 100]
Snappy Maths and applying our knowledge of odd and even numbers to solve word problems and reasoning problems.

Wider Curriculum

PE-  SHINE Linked to Class PE session, using skills through games and activities. 

Jasmine PE– This term’s focus is RealGym. This week, the children will be learning and practising a range of different shapes that they can make and hold with their bodies and will be using the large apparatus and climbing frame to challenge themselves further when holding these shapes. 

Science – 

We will be continuing to explore the properties of everyday materials and why these properties make them either recyclable or not.

R+WV-  “Why are some stories special?”
In our class assembly, we will be learning about the Night of Power. We will explore what it is, why it is important to Muslims and when and how it is celebrated.

Art – We are going to explore the style Tingatinga and take inspiration from this to create our own ‘hot scenes’. We will be comparing and contrasting these images to our cold scenes that we created last week and thinking about how the colours used impact the feel of the artwork. 


Dreams and Goals

Reading for the Stars

Bronze Award
Cherry Class – Ofri
Silver Award
Bluebell Class – Archer

Cherry Class – Vincent
Bluebell Class – Archer

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