Year 1 News – Term 1 Week 6

Another busy week for year 1!

This week we have been thinking about what it means to feel proud, identifying how we display pride and thinking about times when we have felt proud of an achievement. We have been continuing our theme of learning ‘belonging’ and have been focusing on our families in particular and the differences we may see among family groups. We have also been learning songs for Harvest Festival – Autumn Leaves, Autumn Rock ‘n’ Roll‘Cauliflowers fluffy’. (Test your children’s singing skills- you can find these on youtube also!). In Dance and PE we have used our skills we have practised this term on apparatus. Skipping, hopping, side stepping, balancing on each leg, galloping. We played some games learnt this term and have encouraged children to practice these at breaktimes!

In English we were overwhelmed with excitement to have received a letter from ‘Beegu’ sent from her home planet ‘Ugeeb’! She kindly described it in detail, using her 5 senses refreshing our science learning around senses from last week. We spoke about adjectives and described all the things we could see in the picture attached to Beegus letter of her planet. We produced some beautiful, descriptive sentences describing what we imagine we would, her, see smell on planet Ugeeb focusing on using capital letters and full stops. In phonics we learnt alternative spellings for ‘ai’ including ay in day, a_e in snake and a in acorn. For practice at some if you wish please see

In Maths this week we have focused on looking at the numbers 6-9, using the language of first, now and then to tell number stories and understanding that a whole made up of two or more parts is called ‘addition’. We explored commutativity and solved number sentences efficiently by counting on and spoke about how it is easier to put the biggest number first. To delve further into this these educational related clips can be watched at home,

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