Reception – Term 6, Week 4


  • Bug hotels – We will be making bug hotels in Week 4. Please bring in any junk modelling materials you have at home.
  • Summer Reading Challenge – Children are invited to join in the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Please see information in this week’s bulletin for more information or: Please bring in your medal (named) on Friday 8th September so that we can celebrate your summer reading achievements.  We’re also setting a ‘Get Caught Summer Reading’ challenge for all children. Please bring in a photo of you enjoying reading with anything, or anywhere that feels like summer to you!
  • Returning school booksPlease ensure that all reading books, reading for pleasure book corner books and library books are returned to your class teacher by Friday 7th July. Thank you for your cooperation. 
  • If your child completes one of the sides of their bookmark, please alert your child’s class teacher.
  • Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. If they do not have it on a Monday, they will not be able to have a new reading book. 
  • We would like you to support your child to hold their pencil correctly when they are using them at home. Children should be using a tripod grip. Click here to see a BBC Bitesize video about how to hold a pencil.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.

Term 6 Key Dates

**DATE CHANGE*** Tuesday 27th – Children go to their new classroom with their new teacher

Friday 30th June – Learning Shares in classrooms 9:10 – 9:45am

Wednesday 12th July – School reports to go home

Friday 21st July – Last day of school

Friday 1st September – Inset day

Monday 4th September – First day of Year 1


It has been a busy week at Henlaeze Infant School! This week, everybody had loads of fun at Sports Day. Thank you to everybody who came to support the children! The children also loved meeting their new teachers and having a story with them.

Star of the Week

  • Daffodil –  
  • Daisy – Laurie

Tapestry – Observation request

The focus this week is: Expressive Arts and Design

This week talk to your children about some of the minibeasts they have been learning about in school, what is their favourite minibeast? Ask your children to paint, draw, construct or build their favourite minibeast. 

Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

Apple device Andriod device Desktop

This week’s learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week, we are talking about our feelings about going into Year 1, both excitement and nervousness, and hearing stories about what to do if you have a worry.

Communication and Language

This week, the children will be encouraged to talk about what they are excited about in Year 1, and things that are making them feel worried.

Word of the week: agility

Physical Development

This week, the children will be practising their agility skills and chasing a ball.


This week we will become masters in our phase 4 phonics. We will be focusing on reading and writing words with adjacent consonants including:  bl, br, cr, sk, ct, pt, gl, nd.

Common exception words: were, there

Writing: This week we will be designing and labeling our own minibeast hotel.


This week, the children will be using the skills they have been taught throughout the year to solve problems. They will be encouraged to verbally reason. 

Understanding the World 

We will be looking at minibeasts that we can find on the patio.

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our “How should we live our lives?” learning, we will hear about the Judeo-Christian story of creation, and some ways that Christians might want to care for our world and why.

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will use a variety of materials to construct a minibeast hotel.

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