Year 1 Learning. Term 6, Week 5

This week we will be starting our Whole School Topic of Journeys and we will be using the book, ‘Journey’ By Aaron Becker

It was great to see so many of you at our Learning Shares last week. The children were really proud to show you all their hard work and successes that they have made throughout the year. All their progress has been immense. Well done all!!


Remember that school is closed to most pupils on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July due to Strike Action.

On Monday we will have a visit from a guest speaker who is of Muslim faith. She will talk to each class and part of this will be to show them connections between Islam, Judaism and Christianity as they have some stories of prophets in common.

Returning school books:
Please ensure that all reading books, reading for pleasure book corner books and library books are returned to your class teacher by Tuesday 4th July. Thank you for your cooperation.

Message from Mrs Hibbard: Summer Reading Challenge:
Children are invited to join in the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Please see information in this week’s bulletin for more information or:
Please bring in your medal (named) on Friday 8th September so that we can celebrate your summer reading achievements.  We’re also setting a ‘Get Caught Summer Reading’ challenge for all children. Please bring in a photo of you enjoying reading with anything, or anywhere that feels like summer to you!

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Things in common. Pair with someone you don’t usually play with and find 3 things you both like.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Looking forward:  Children can draw or write something they’re looking forward to next year on a bird
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Think about everything you have to offer to your new class. Fill in this Transition activity


Phonics: Phase 5c

Keywords: Reading and Spelling: saw  talk  field  sunny  evening  house   friend   school  once  said
Grammar: Adding s, es Plural of nouns & 3rd person singular of verbs
Writing: Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun

Writing – Composition – Text ‘Journey’
Session 1: Look at front cover details and answer questions. Now share the book together   and discuss what the pictures tell you. Note down vocabulary in a word bank as a class. Try to include words you could use to describe the people, places and events in the story. 

Session 2 : Use think bubbles to show what the characters in the house are thinking. How do we know when the book has no written words? Discuss with talk partners first and decide what they could be thinking using all the information given in the pictures.

Reading: Focus: Fiction – Journeys

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
  • Reading independent activities linked to whole class read of ‘Back to Earth with a Bump’.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day and shared text: ‘Back to Earth with a Bump’ – A journey of a different kind!


Halving and Doubling

Mental Oral/Warm Up

  • 1 more/less within 100
  • 10 more/less within 100
  • Write numerals to 100
  • Recall of halves within 20
  • Recall of doubles within 20

Learning Objectives: 

  • To relate doubling to adding the same number to itself
  • To relate halving a number to sharing equally between 2 groups
  • To understand that halving and doubling are inverse operations
  • To recall doubles within 20
  • To recall halves within 20

Wider Curriculum

SHINE PE-  Outdoor Team Games

Art- To create a picture for wooden frame based on our topic.

DT – Making wooden photo frames – sawing  wood (1:2- Bluebell to complete and Cherry to start)

History/English- Influential People in History – Making a Journey -Women aviators, concentrating on Bessie Coleman

R+WV –  Visit from guest speaker to talk about stories that different faiths have in common.

PSHE- Learning and Growing and Assessments

Computing – Spreadsheets –  Introduce vocab – cell, row, column Model how to change the colour of each cell – use this to draw/colour an array.Model how to type numbers into cells to write a repeated addition number sentence to go with their array.  (Cherry to complete and Bluebell to begin)

Year 1 Reading Stars

Silver Award-
Bluebell Class – Archer

Bluebell Class – Elena

Cherry Class – Felix

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