This is our final blog post this academic year! We’ve loved teaching the children throughout their Reception year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday and we can’t wait to see you again in September.
- Please check through lost property before the end of the summer term to retrieve any items that belong to you or your child.
- You should have received the final part of your child’s learning diary via Tapestry, as well as their written school report. Please share this with your child and celebrate the learning they have done this year.
- Please return all books that belong to school before the summer holiday.
- Summer Reading Challenge – Children are invited to join in the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Please see information in this week’s bulletin for more information or: Please bring in your medal (named) on Friday 8th September so that we can celebrate your summer reading achievements. We’re also setting a ‘Get Caught Summer Reading’ challenge for all children. Please bring in a photo of you enjoying reading with anything, or anywhere that feels like summer to you!
Star of the Week
Daisy – Kit
Daffodil – Toby
Week 7 Learning
In Week 7, we will continue to learn about our whole school topic Journeys. The children will be thinking about lots of different journeys, including their journey through school and into Year 1.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This week, we will be sharing our best memories of our Reception year.
Communication and Language
We will continue to explore our key text ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We will ask the children to pick a part of the story and describe it in detail.
Word of the week: celebrate
Physical Development
We will continue to explore dynamic balances in floorwork.
This week we will become masters in our phase 4 phonics. Reviewing our learning over term 6.
Writing: This week we will be writing and drawing about a journey we have been on.
The children will be learning about spatial reasoning in Maths this week. Alongside this, they will consolidate their knowledge and deep understanding of numbers up to 10.
Understanding the World
We will be celebrating our Henleaze community, our journeys this year and sharing summer plans.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we will have our final music lesson on rhythm. We will be using the instruments and performing a four bar notated rhythm.