Year 1 Learning Week 6 Term 1

Key Dates

  • Thursday 5th October– Y1 School trip to Westonbirt Arboretum
  • Monday 9th October – School closed to children – INSET day
  • Wednesday 11th October – Individual School Photos
  • Tuesday 17th October- Phonics learn-along in classes after drop off
  • Friday 20th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS
  • Monday 30th October – First Day of Term 2
  • Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 2nd November – Parents Evenings


Recapping Phase 4 phonics
Suffixes -er and -est
Adding them onto adjectives, such as ‘quick’ to become quicker and quickest


  • Word level Work-  Build on Science scavenger hunt  from last week, to write about senses. Which parts of our bodies are used for each of our senses? Do some of our senses use more than one?
  • Composition- An email arrives from Beegu and her family to tell us all about her planet which includes beautiful pictures. Thinking about our 5 senses, write about the experience you would have on her planet. 
  • Label Writing – Using writing that could be used on a display, write and illustrate the name of Beegu’s planet, ‘Ugeeb’. What do you notice about the planet’s name?

Correct formation of the ‘Zigzag Monster’ family.

We will be assessing the children’s phonics and common exception words over the next 2 weeks.


This week we will be solving mathematical  problems involving addition and subtraction number stories, including first, then and now stories.

First there were 2 flowers
Then 1 more
Now there are 3 flowers

Wider Curriculum

Trip to Westonbirt – Science
Looking for signs of autumn, observing the colours, learning how to identify different types of plants

Footwork skills and teamwork games.

Labeling external body parts (head, neck, arm, hand, finger, leg, knee, toe). 

To think about what it feels like to be proud of an achievement. 

To think about different members of our family and make links to the story of young Jesus in the temple,

To listen to and describe a piece of music using musical vocabulary.
To sing in time and in tune following a melody as it moves up and down in pitch.
To stand tall with good posture when singing.

Using plasticine to create models of Beegu. Exploring the different ways to mold and shape the plasticine. 

Daily Well Being Activities
Tuesday – Take NoticeClose your eyes and imagine you’re in your favourite special place. What can you hear/ see/ feel/ smell?
Wednesday – Be Active Hip hop dance
Thursday – Keep Learning Find out as much information as you can about worlds beyond our own!
Friday – Give Watch Mrs Fricker read the storybook called “Kind”

Bluebell- William

Cherry- Megan

Daffodil- Mindy

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