Year 1 News- Term 2, Week 4

Year one have had an AWesome week! (or/aw/ore/au being our sound of the week this week…) We have all worked super hard as always and enjoyed new areas of learning.

In PSHE this week we have been thinking about what it takes to be a good friend. We have also been thinking about how negative choices could affect our friends and how we can ensure we can make positive choices to keep our school a safe and happy place. In RE we have learnt about the story of Christmas and sequenced the Nativity story, adding in our own commentary.

In Maths we have been learning our 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables. We have been spotting the numbers in the times tables on a 100 square and looking for patterns and similarities in the numbers included in the tables. A fun and interactive way of doing this is the topmarks website, check it out at home!…

In English we have been looking at alternative sounds of ‘or’ in horse, including ‘au’ In autumn, ‘aw’ in paw and ‘ore’ in apple core. We have been learning to read and spell words including these sounds. Please refer to your children’s sounds and words book for more details and for a practice at home! For our writing this week we have come to the end of our 3 week block of learning relating to our story ‘send for a superhero’ by retelling our own version of the story, inventing our own superheroes to feature! Our teachers have been extremely impressed with our language use, spelling and punctuation.. lots of capital letters and full stops included!

We have also been getting ready for our big year 1 DT project coming up next week by learning about different folds and joins we can use with our boxes and junk modelling materials!- Please continue to bring in boxes to your children’s classrooms! We will need as many as possible and would be extremely grateful for any donations.

Have a lovely and well rested weekend, ready for our first week of festivities in December!.

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