Year 1 Learning Week 7, Term 1

Upcoming Key Dates

Monday 9th October – School closed to children – INSET day
Wednesday 11th October – Individual School Photos
Tuesday 17th October- Phonics learn-along in classes after drop off
Friday 20th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS.
Monday 30th October – First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 2nd November – Parents Evenings


Revision on Phase 3 and 4 Phonics
Adding the prefix:  un- to verbs and adjectives, e.g. unzip, unwell, unclip

-Write a recount of the trip to Westonbirt. Using pictures to scaffold and recall the main events of our trip..
-Write a postcard to Beegu’s mum and dad telling them about her time on Earth. Write it as if you are Beegu.

Handwriting and dictated sentence
Focusing on spellings of CEWs from Phase 3 and 4 (taught in Reception)

We will be assessing children’s phonics and reading book levels this week and next.


This week we will be solving mathematical  problems involving subtraction number stories, including first, then and now stories.

First there were 4 people in the car
Then 1 got out
Now there are 3 people in the car

Wider Curriculum

SHINE PE- Team games applying static balance and footwork skills. 

Science-  Following on from our trip, exploring the signs of autumn and the changes that take place. 

PSHETo think about different consequences that arise from certain actions. 

R+WV-  Preparing for our visit to St Peter’s Church- thinking about the things we might see and any questions that we would like to ask. 

Music- To tell a story using vocal sounds and body percussion.

Art- Using our knowledge of colour mixing to make autumnal colours to paint our leaf templates. 

Bluebell- Clara
Cherry- Cameron
Daffodil- Teo

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