Year 2 Learning, Term 1, Week 8

Well done Year 2. You have been AMAZING! You have all worked really hard to make a fantastic start to Year 2. Congratulations – Way to go! Term 1 – Complete! (well nearly!)


**R+WV – Some preparation for our session this week… Discuss with your child a little around the reasons for why they were given their name and what it means.**

Monday 16th October – Harvest Festival – Please bring in any donations of dried/canned food for the Salvation Army’s harvest collection by Monday 16th October 2023. The collection will go to support the Salvation Army’s work with the homeless and vulnerable people in our city
Tuesday 17th October – Stay and come into class for our Phonics Learn-Along Session! (9-9:30am)
Trip to Caldicot Castle – Wednesday 18th October Please remember to make sure your child wears the top half of their uniform with a logo if you have one. Wear sensible bottoms and shoes. NO WELLIES. These are not easy to climb the tower steps in. Bring a packed lunch, snack and a water bottle in a named bag and a waterproof coat
Friday 20th October – End of Term 1. No uniform day with contributions to FHIS.
Maple Class will also be having their class treat as they filled their first marble jar last week. Details about this will be sent via email. The children voted for what they wanted!

Next Term:
Monday 30th October – First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 2nd November – Parents Evenings. Look out for login details to book your appointment slot. These will be face to face in your child’s classroom. You should arrive at least 10 mins early to look at your child’s work ahead of your meeting time


Phonics – Remember that you are invited in on Tuesday to learn along with us for our phonics session!

Session 1: Writing up our experiment about our ice eggs and how different substances change how they melt and change.
Session 2: Writing a recount of the trip to Caldicot castle.
Session 3: Handwriting session – Concentration on correct formation of lowercase letters.



Mental Oral/Warm Up:
Counting on and back to 100
Learning Objectives: Add two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)
Subtract two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10)
Subtract two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)
Compare number sentences
Missing number problems
Complete end of term assessments

Wider Curriculum


R+WV- Look at the Muslim Naming Ceremony. What are the similarities and differences of the Christian equivalent. Children to ask at home about their own names, see top of blog post.

PSHE- Complete Class Charters

Art – Islamic Art- To create tessellation pictures using a range of resources (linked to R+WV)

Geography – Map Work – Using a key- Map of Caldicot castle. What does it show us we should see? Take the maps on the trip and take photographs of the main points to show a photo, compared to the symbols used on the maps. Include revising the compass points.

Music – To understand the difference between pulse and rhythm and to compose a song to a given rhythm.

Science – Moved from last week as a problem with the freezer! Dragon ice eggs! Use a variety of experiments on ice to change its state. Record predictions and observations. Write up findings during writing session.

Maple Class Zohar (and Sienna from last week who was absent)

Sycamore Class – Ayaan

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