Christmas Carol Service – This Thursday, 7th December, St Peters’ Church 2pm. Parents who have offered to help walk us to the church need to meet outside main school entrance at 1:45pm.
This week we will be baking in school – Please check the ingredients below for any allergy concerns.
Ingredients for Christmas Biscuits:
Self-Raising Flour
Caster Sugar
*We have also sent out an email with these ingredients. Please let your teacher know if working with these ingredients will be a problem with any allergies your child has. They will not be eating the biscuits in school. They will be bringing them home to share.
This Week
Henleaze Christmas Fayre – Wednesday 6th December – This will be after school where members of the school Choir will perform to open the event. If your child is involved, you should have already received an email and paper copy of the permission letter.
Henleaze Infants Christmas Carol Service – Thursday 7th December – St Peter’s Church – 2pm – All Welcome
Final Week
Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Dinner
Friday 15th December – Christmas Parties and Last Day of Term – Wear your party clothes and/or a Christmas Jumper. Bring in a donation to FHIS.
Well Being Activities
Monday – Connect – Make a picture or card to give to a friend
Tuesday – Take Notice – When you are outside, notice the changes as the season becomes winter
Wednesday – Be Active – Try this Christmas workout
Thursday – Keep Learning – What made you smile today? Can you tell a Christmas joke?
Friday – Give – Choose someone in the circle to say something kind to
Write out a gift label – Ingredients for Christmas Biscuits and a message to our family
Write a thank you letter to Reception for letting watch their play and talk about our favourite parts
Write Messages for Christmas Cards
Handwriting session – Complete Calendars
Complete Reading Assessments. Children to read as part of a group and to complete comprehension tasks.
Mental Oral/Warm Up: Counting on and back to 100 Daily count Flashback 4 each day Flashcards of coins | Learning Objectives: To count the number of vertices on a range of 2D shapes and show my understanding by circling each vertex as I count it. Draw 2D shapes – To find the vertical line of symmetry on 2D shapes by folding paper shapes and using mirrors. To use my understanding of lines of symmetry to complete 2D shapes by plotting the vertices first and then joining them up. |
Wider Curriculum
SHINE PE session
Geography Assessment and Making Knowledge Wheels – Combining Year 1 and 2 learning about our position on our world.
DT Christmas Cooking – Biscuits. These will be brought home in a gift bag and a handwritten tag.
Art Christmas Cards – making. Complete any outstanding calendars.
Computing Coding – Guard the Castle Unit
PSHE Making New Friends
Music Completion of Pitch unit and Assessments
R+WV Assessments – Baptism and what do the different religious symbols mean?
We will be watching the Reception Nativity Performance on Tuesday and taking part in the Whole School Carol Service on Thursday.
Reading for the Stars
Maple Class – Silver Award – Suri
Sycamore Class – Silver Award – James
Bronze award – Evie Sophie Jasper
Maple Class – Thomas
Sycamore Class – Sophie