Welcome back to week 7 of term 6. Can you believe we are about to have our final week in Reception! Your wonderful work last week was amazing once again, you are really making us proud right to the end! This week we will be engaging in our final week of our topic ‘journeys’. We are going to look at the second part of the story ‘The Journey’ by Aaron Becker. Click here to watch the story.
The children in Year One wanted us to pass on a message to you all about next year. They wanted to share some things that they like about Year One and what you have got to look forward to. We hope you enjoy reading it. Click here to read the Year One children’s message.
We would like to thank everyone for all your support over the last 100+ days of COVID lockdown. Thank you for engaging so amazingly with all our home learning and for sending us so many photos and observations of all the things that you have been doing at home. We have loved seeing them all!
It has been lovely to see so many of the children back in school over the last few weeks. They have all come back so happily and we are sure that after the holidays they will quickly settle into year 1.
Lastly, we know that you’re all going to miss having lots of work to do over the summer holidays so please find the following booklets in the shared folder:
- Summer theme maths booklet
- Summer theme activity booklet
- Summer theme phonics
It would also really help the children to continue recapping phonics / tricky words and numbers to 20 throughout the holidays.
This weeks learning
Phonics Tasks
Please watch these videos at home:
Watch this week’s phonics lessons from the phonics hub: You can use your whiteboards for these activities.
- Lesson 1 – Phase 3 Mastery ch
- Lesson 2 – Phase 3 Mastery qu
- Lesson 3 – Phase 3 Mastery zz
Please continue a daily recap of all the phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs on the list in the shared folder. Join in with the Jolly Phonics song to make this fun.
How many phonemes can your child recognise? Make a note of those that they still need to work on and use Mr Thornes phonics to practise them.
Click here to go to Mr Thorne Does Phonics YouTube channel.
Phonics Suggestions
- If you have completed the phase 3 phonics booklet move onto the Phase 4 tricky words booklet in the shared folder.
- Continue exploring the phonics blending games on the Phonics Play website.
Click here to go to the Phonics Play website.
Reading Tasks
Please do these activities at home.
Remember to try and read every day just as you have throughout the year.
It’s great to see that lots of you are now using the Bug Club online reading books. We will be continuing to use this online resource next term.
Please remember to let us know how you are getting on and if you think the level of books available to you needs adjusting.
Please continue to practise reading the tricky HFW. Join in with these songs for a fun way to practise them:
Story Time
- Click here to watch Miss Ross read a story (Class 2)
- Click here to watch Miss Frost read a story (Class 1)
- Click here to watch Miss Gibson read a story (Class 3)
- Click here to watch Mrs Elliott read a story.
Writing Tasks
We will be doing the writing task in school.
When you go to your new year 1 classes in September you will find the same Elli animals are there to help you with your learning.
We would like you to make a poster of all 7 animals with a short sentence / caption (just a few words) to say how each animal helps you with your learning.
Eg: The tortoise gives me stickability.
Please do this on a big piece of paper to go on the wall in the year 1 classrooms.
Number Tasks
Please do this activity at home
- Find the Number formation activity sheet in the shared folder – this week we are practicing our numbers 2-12.
- Find more fine motor support and activities in the shared folder.
Mathematics Tasks
- Daily number games on Number Gym: Please login and click ‘Early Maths’. You will need to enter your personal login. Click here to see instructions to log onto Number Gym. Continue to explore the games we have previously signposted for you.
- Writing numerals to 0-20.
- Count to 100 and sing along to this video. Click here.
You can do the following activities on a walk, in the car etc.
- Daily counting to 20/Daily counting back from 20.
- Daily 1 more/1 less to 20. (E.g. 1 more than 3 is __ / 1 less than 12 is __)
These activities will be done in school:
- Recap number bonds to 10. Can your child tell you the number bonds with quick recall? E.g. I say 4, you say… “6”. Try to record all the number bonds to 10. Can you use this to work out number bonds to 20?
- Write some addition and subtraction number sentences for your child to complete. Can they count on/back to find the answer. If they find this difficult, use items to support and do physically.
Please do these activities at home:
- In the shared folder, you will find the following booklets:
- Counting to 20 booklet
- 2D shape booklet
- 3D shape booklet
- Adding booket
- Taking away booklet
You can choose from these booklets the ones you feel suit your child’s learning gaps best and work through them at your own pace. You could continue these through the summer holidays too if you wish.
Understanding the World
This activity will be done in school and at home
- In the story we saw the little girl travel in lots of different ways. Can you think of the best ways to travel around a city or the best way to travel in different countries? How do you travel around your city at home?
- Why not investigate outside your home about the most popular form of travel in your area? How many bikes, cars, buses, motorbikes can you see? Think about which ones are the best for our environment? You could even make your own tally chart or use this one to help you. Click here to access it in the shared folder.
Expressive Arts and Design
This activity will be done in school and at home.
- In the Journey story we saw the little girl had a bird as a friend, why not try and make your own bird to go travelling with. You could use paper plates, feathers, a cut out of a bird, lolly pop sticks, paint, or any collage materials. Here are some examples:
- Why not paint or draw a picture for your new teacher to put in your new classroom next year. This could be for example, you and your family, you playing in the park or at the beach.
Due to the importance of well-being this can be done at home or in school.
This week we are thinking of being ready for the future and everything you will have to offer to your new class. You can fill in this Transition activity or discuss it with members of your family. This is a good chance to think about your friends, goals or things you are proud of. We think it is really important to talk about being positive, there are many ways we can get ready for next step in our lives by remembering:
- Things we are good at
- Things we have to help us e.g people who love us
- Having a ‘can-do’ attitude
Complete the I am, I have, I can sheet. Write some words/ draw picture in each shape, e.g. I have people I trust and who love me, I am a good friend, I can ask for help when I need it. Then think about how each one makes you feel.
Don’t forget to talk about how you are feeling, why not discuss and describe how the child in the picture is feeling and why Feelings picture cards. Another kindness challenge for you this week is tell the other people in your family (or pod) things you love about them, or love to do with them. You could make a list into a concertina character for each person: here is a Positive character template.
Remember you well being is so important- here is an activity to find ways to stay positive: Wellbeing activity
Physical Development
- Continue with Joe Wicks daily P.E sessions daily live at 9am. These can also be accessed at any time during the day on YouTube.
- Get active with some games and activities that you can do at home or in the park, some ideas may include:
- Get some chalk so your child can draw on the pavement
- Draw a pattern for a hopping game like hopscotch
- Build a den
- Make mud pies
- Hang a swing from a tree
- Organise group games like rounders and tag with neighbours or friends
- Get a rope for skipping
- Get some marbles
- This week instead of beating Miss Quinn in a challenge, can you think of something you have enjoyed doing at home during your physical activities and send a photo giving Miss Quinn a challenge to beat you? We are sure this will keep her busy over Summer!
- Take part in a yoga class, using cosmic kids. Click here for one about ‘Peter Cottontail and the Tickly Monkeys.
- Listen to BBC Let’s move dance routines; you can involve other members of your household with this. Click here for ‘Journey to the moon’.